Wednesday, November 16, 2016

QUOTES 11/16/2016

“. . . a restaurant is a really great place for the provision, evangelism and promotion of proper naturism. . . your attendance is completely voluntary, there is a good reason for being there (dinner!), the management are entirely complicit because that's the way they want to run their restaurant, there is no possibility of the narrow minded public accidentally seeing and, being a privately owned restaurant, it's not something that needs permission of the law, police, council, etc.“ – John.;topicseen

“Having a shower in the garden.  Once you take a shower outdoors you'll feel claustrophobic in a shower stall.” – Ron Krugjohann,

“The human body gets censored.  Genitals, female breasts, and even rear ends get censored. . . It has led us to believe that such body parts censored are obscene for us.  But every body part makes us human. . . Why does nudity have to be censored?” -

“I’m tired of the knee-jerk reaction when ‘church-folks’ find out a member is a naturist.  Even if they say they can accept that member’s choice, the next thing that member hears is, ‘We can’t let you occupy any office within the church,’ as if that member will strip off and run naked through a service. . . [They were] deeply involved in their church and that church then deprived them of their ability to serve. . . that’s next to criminal.” – Tom Pine, Newdsletter, vol. 17, #5, May 2016

“. . . my dilemma, how do I go about telling my friends [that I am a naturist]? . . . Some that I have known for over 20 years, in fact we are more like family than friends, they are the brothers and sisters I never had as a child. . . even though I know some of them will understand, I am still afraid of being alienated as the weird one.  What I mean is being singled out as strange, and having all contact broken, even though they have been there through thick and thin with me. . . or do I even have to tell my friends? . . . my quandary is, how hard things can be to tell someone something you've kept quiet for years.” – Jeff Northcott,

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