Saturday, January 14, 2017

QUOTES 1/14/2017

“If American Men didn't push the envelope at public beaches going topless back in the early 1900's risking arrest by the law, Men would never have won the right to bear their chests in public.  Now Women today are fighting for that same right.  As Nudists we cannot risk hiding in the shadows simply because we scared of offending people, especially when we are in our own home or outside where we are so far away from public view such as a Nude Beach or our own private backyard.  Nudity will never be publicly accepted if we hide ourselves.  We need to educate the world about the wholesomeness of nude living and part of that process is being a true witness to our own beliefs by living naked and unashamed before others.” – Creative,

“I’m naked, and I’m happy.  If you don’t like it, that’s your problem.” -

“There needs to be more inclusion in the nudist community as long as everyone treats each other with respect that’s all that should matter.  I would love to find more nudist friends to have dinner parties or pool parties with . . . I even like the idea of nude driving though for women especially ones like me with large breasts I can see the many obstacles.  I love my life and the freedom of being nude I just want more opportunities to express that side of me.” – Nekidgamer,

“We . . . were looking for someplace close to try out the new RV.  A Web search of nearby RV resorts located very few places to go that were reasonably close.  I found Lilly Valley in Fort Erie, Canada and thought it looked interesting.  When my wife came home and asked if I found someplace I told her there were a few that were more than 100 miles away, but there was a ‘nuddie’ resort just across the Peace Bridge.  I was astounded when her only reply was ‘OK.’  I called and made reservations and we were on the way.  About 45 minutes later we were there.  Lilly Valley has a small gate and several nude males met me there and helped direct me on which way to turn to get in. . . As I started to get out of the truck to set up my wife said, ‘What if I can't do this?’  My reply was it takes 15 minutes to set up, and another 15 minutes to take it down.  If you don't like it we will leave.  That seemed reasonable to her so we unhooked the RV.  Inside 15 minutes we had met a Postal Worker and his wife, a family with two kids, the owner, and several other people.  No one paid any attention to any parts except for the parts of the RV.  We have been nudists since then. . . Now all of our trips are built around going from one nudist resort to another.” - Chales L, Buffalo, New York,

“I especially enjoy a leisurely [free]hike through the woods.  It's amazing how much more you feel: The wind caressing your body, the temperature change as you move from sun to shade.  People that misconceive nudity as a sexual thing have got it wrong.  It's sensual.  Big difference!  I also agree that swimming nude is second to none and definitely how it was meant to be.” – Massjo,

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