Friday, February 24, 2017

QUOTES 2/24/2017

“I find it unthinkable that ‘image-bearers’ of God should find themselves so ashamed of human nakedness that they would insist that it should always be covered.” -

“Dip In The Nip” (Video) -

“Despite the way the porn industry has portrayed nudism, it is not an ‘adults only’ activity.  It is not about sex, orgies, exhibitionism, or voyeurism.  Nudism has nothing whatsoever to do with sex.  Nudism is about comfort, freedom, and acceptance of the nude human body.  It’s the belief that the human body is not inherently sexual or lewd.  It’s a mindset that allows people to separate their body from their sexual desires.  That is why there are many happy couples and families that enjoy wholesome, family-friendly nudism.” -

“The first time my wife and I went to a nudist camp, we were surprised about how relaxing it was.  Yes, we were anxious because everyone was naked and that did take a little getting used to, but our nudity didn’t stand out.  We looked like everyone else.” -

“Nude beaches were especially popular in former communist bloc countries like East Germany, Czechoslovakia, and the former Yugoslavia.  In addition to eliminating the expense of bathing suits - something that citizens of said countries could ill afford - nude bathing was one form of expressing the desire to be free from government dictates.” – Bare Platypus,

“I love to sail, and nude sailing is the best.” – Nudeboots

“Most people live with the constant fear that their body is not good enough. . . As a result, people are always under pressure to live up to the mythical ideal image, and use clothes as a way of hiding their feelings of inferiority.  Naturism helps to avoid this, by helping people to understand that their self-perceived body imperfections are nothing more than a confirmation of the diversity of human bodies.  This helps people to accept their bodies, and respect those of the others.” -

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