Thursday, February 16, 2017

QUOTES 2/9/2017

“I’ve spent a lifetime trying to describe that initial feeling of stepping out my bedroom door sans underwear.  Maybe it was the years of repression, from both my mother and my Baptist school, but I felt like I’d lived my entire life in a cave and was seeing a beautiful landscape for the first time.  Or a man who’d never known music and hearing Mozart for the very first time.  Specifically, it was the world of touch that opened up to me.  The feeling of air on my shoulders, the bristles of carpet under my feet, the varied textures of every chair and cushion.  And it still seems odd to me.  It wasn’t like I’d never worn a bathing suit, but being completely naked made me acutely more aware of my environment.” - Nick Alimonos,

“What do nudists do?  Sometimes we just like to invite some friends over, sit around and talk, and just relax.  There’s nothing quite as relaxing as good conversation on a warm day in the comfort of your own skin.” -

“Dr. Richard Weller, senior lecturer in dermatology at Edinburgh University, last year published a report in the journal Maturitas warning that older people in particular need to get into the sun more.  ‘Advice on healthy sun exposure needs to be reconsidered,’ he urges.  ‘The older population are particularly sun-deprived as shown by low blood levels of vitamin D and lack of outdoor activity.’  He adds that there is a reduction in cardiovascular disease and deaths from all causes with increased sun exposure.” - Lake Edun's Bare Facts June 2016, Personal email

“. . . the nudist lifestyle, which is very social, includes all-ages.” -

“We have a right to be ourselves.  It’s un-winnable to ask how being nude could hurt anyone, because the question presupposes there is a risk of injury when there isn’t any.  No one should be mentally or physically harmed by looking at fellow beings unless they were conditioned to.  If so, the harm was done long ago. . . True nudity does not set out to be intentionally offensive.  The implication that nudists are out to be offensive, offends me.” -

“We don’t need clothing to be happy in this life.  Why not be free instead?  We weren’t born with clothes on.  Nature intended us to be naked.” -

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