Sunday, July 29, 2018

QUOTES 7/29/2018

“There's nothing like being at sea and feeling the sun and air on your skin . . . My goal is to sun my ass cheeks, swim naked, and dance a bit on deck under the full moon with my full moon enjoying the open air as well.” – Nancy Tiemann,

“Naturism around the world” (Video) -

“Buying a first bra has long been considered a rite of passage for young women.  These days, however, it’s the ditching of the undergarment (or wearing wire-free versions) that's empowering female Millennials. . . Today, pushing back from push-ups — by wearing . . . no bra at all — is a personal triumph, a choice to be comfortable and a trendy move. . . Stella Rae, 17 from Seattle . . . says she started going au naturel just as a comfort thing. . . And then she kept doing it, and so did her friends.” – Carly Mallenbaum,

“Too many purported experts claim seeing nudity harms children or others.  There is no actual scientific study or work to support this idea, and yet it is constantly touted by physiologists, social workers and others as fact. . . There is a scientific study that discussed children growing up seeing nudity. . . which showed positive benefits for those who grew up in an open family where nudity was common . . . There are other studies which show a reduced rate of sexual assaults, rapes, teen pregnancy and increased positive body image in cultures where nudity is common.” – DDF,

“I am always naked at home.  It is my home; why would I be uncomfortable in my home?  Everybody that would come over knows I am nudist, anyway.  But there are various salesmen and repairmen, and I just tell them if they have a problem with me being naked, I`ll do business with someone else (hasn`t happened yet).  It`s just rude to expect someone to conform to your rules in their house.” – Fatnudist

“When we first got our spa . . . we became a little braver and would venture out in the nude.  It felt so wonderful, freeing, and much less expensive.  Wonderful because the feeling of the water on the body with jets enveloping the body was a real experience.  It was freeing because there were no restrictions, or inhibitions.  Best of all, we didn't have to waste money on suits that deteriorated very quickly.  We have had our Spa for three years now and wouldn't dream of ever wearing a suit again.” - B.

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