Friday, June 30, 2017


“True friends know each other barely.” - Kensunwalker
QUOTES 6/30/2017

“This humility may have also possibly extended to Jesus riding in on Palm Sunday through the streets of Jerusalem among a crowd of worshippers (Matthew 21:8).  It is written that the crowd spread their garments on the road. . . The majority of people back then could only afford this one garment, and underwear was not around at that time.  Therefore, it’s very possible that the crowd may have been nude when Jesus made his way in through the gates of Jerusalem.  It would also make sense when it comes to the symbolism of being naked before God, or, as it was mentioned before with what Job said, ‘Naked I was born, naked I will return.’  Either way, it was obviously a very humble crowd that didn’t care about the splendor of rich clothing” -

“Beach fun is not just lying in the sun!” (Video) -

“Lying naked in the sun, with the mountain by myself, I suddenly think . . . I am so well here in perfect harmony with the landscape and nature. Why, when the whole world seems to belong to me, I should not have as the sole desire to lock me behind barriers, behind clothing.  I would, however, that everyone can share the fullness that one can experience in this world and contemplate mountains shining under the sun, and discover the pleasure of moving naked in freedom.” -

“As for kids, I can't figure out what the harm is for them to see a nude body whether it is male or female.  The real harm comes from the reaction of the adults. . . In Munich they have the Englischer Garten which is a public park where people can sunbath nude.  Children there see other children and adults nude and nobody seems to be harmed by that.  The same goes for nude beaches and naturist resorts.  Families attend both and the kids don’t seem to be worst for the experience.” – Kevin Kalyncuck,

“A clothes-free barbecue in your back garden can be fun – invite the neighbours if you like.” -

“Naturism will always be considered to be an aberration by society unless naturists engage in more activism.  We have essentially no political power because most of us are reluctant to identify ourselves as naturists to the rest of society.  Outside the naturist community there probably are very few who actually know what a naturist is.  Since most folks think that nudity equals sex they assume that naturism must be some sort of sexual perversion which should be avoided.  We are much too willing to be marginalized and too reluctant to stand up for our lifestyle.” – BillBowser,

Thursday, June 29, 2017


“Anything that can be done in clothes can be done naked.” - Kensunwalker
QUOTES 6/29/2017

“I look like the people that walk down the street.  I don't have perfect boobs, I don't have zero cellulite – of course I don't – and I'm curvy.  If that is something that makes women feel empowered in any way, that's great.  On a deeper, subconscious level, it's one of the reasons why I've allowed my stupid self to be so naked on screen.  It's partly because I do believe that it's right for the character and it's right for the story but it's also knowing that not many people do that, actually – and not just that, but I'm a normal person.” – Kate Winslet,

“World Naked Bike Ride 2017 – London” (Video) -

“Channel Your Inner Nudist and Get to Naked Yoga! . . . No matter what your body looks like, no matter what size you are, how much yoga experience you have, how much money.  None of that matters when you’re in a room full of naked people, and we are all vulnerable together, and we’re all on this even playing field. . . naked yoga puts you in a situation where you are nude and surrounded by others who are nude.  It is a non-sexual nudity, and a nudity where you are in yoga poses that twist and contort your body.  This means, in a sense, you cannot hide any of those rolls or bumps or ‘flaws,’ and neither can anyone around you.  You are all put in a position where you have no choice but to see and accept your own flaws, and seeing each other in that same position is encouraging.” - Natalie Nonken,

“People who are often without clothes become somewhat (or completely) de-eroticised to one another over time: it’s a challenge all long-term relationships face.  In its place, though, comes something which doesn’t get talked about: a deep compassion.  Now imagine that experience extended beyond sexual and reproductive partnerships, creating a world where we saw one another unguarded.  What effect might widespread nakedness have on us all?” - Liz Sheppard-Jones,

“The state of being unclothed should be so casual, so commonplace so widely accepted that any stigma of the shame, embarrassment of being seen without clothes is dispensed with.  There should be no worries about what other people think or say about any of us being nude.  We need to go do just what God and mother-nature says we should do – go ‘au natural’.  ENJOY THE FREEDOM OF NUDITY!” -

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


“Working naked is addictive.” - Kensunwalker

Tuesday, June 27, 2017


“One of the best things we can do to promote naturism is to be more open to others.” – Kensunwalker
QUOTES 6/28/2017

“There is a time to wear, and a time not to wear, any piece of clothing.  And that ‘time’ depends on the environment a person is in and their intentions.  So: If a woman has good intentions for going topless, and the environment a woman is in is appropriate for her going topless, then I don’t see how I can say ‘No!  You can’t be topless!’  The sexualization of women’s bodies needs to end: Women being valued only for the sexual pleasure they can give men is responsible for so much suffering.” -

“Nude Beach News 6” (Video) -

“My husband and I have been sleeping nude for the past 30 plus years!  The only time I wear panties and a tank top is when my young granddaughter visits for the weekend. . . I HATE PJs...I have only had 2 yeast infections in my life . . .!” – Blue Radio,

“True naturists are not exhibitionists; it is not sexual for the regulars . . . They are genuine local people, men and women, who want to feel freedom.  They are hard-working, decent folk who want to get away from reality – the everyday grind.  I listen to the birds, enjoy the sun on my body and take a dip in the ocean when it gets hot.  People look me in the eye.” - Bev Rayner,

“Less money spent on laundry detergent and less clothes to wash!  Face it, people are lazy and would rather be doing other things.  If you become a nudist, you can have dinner naked and not have to worry about scrubbing out food stains from clothes.” – Jordan Blum,

“I checked out London’s naked restaurant and now I’m converted to eating in the nude.  Living in the frenzied times that we do, dining naked and without smartphones is surprisingly pleasant. . . My overriding thought heading into the experience was ‘of all the fun things to do naked, eating has got to be at the bottom of the list’ . . .  [But] There really is an interplay between nude bodies and nude food too, it almost subconsciously making you more aware of your food having come from the soil and how you essentially have too. . . on the whole.  The Bunyadi works. . . there’s no limit to the activities that could successfully have a little nudity interpolated.  Naked bars?  Naked pillow fights?  Naked ball pools?  If you’ve got the capital to make it happen you should, because London clearly wants to shed its clothes.” – Christopher Hooton,

Monday, June 26, 2017


“A very comfortable person feels good not wearing clothes.” - Kensunwalker
QUOTES 6/26/2017

“I always laugh when people say things like ‘the whole boob can be out flopping around’. . . statements like that are also part of the problem.  Like one other person said ‘You can't smoke on Church Street, but it's OK to swing your Dick around while you shop’.  The guy wasn't swinging his dick around and boobs don't flop around.  In fact, they both just tend to hang.” – Kevin Kalyncuck,

“AWESOME Bodypainting Day - Annual BodyPainting Day 2017 - July 2017 in Klagenfurt,” (Video) -

“There have been numerous studies finding that pornography is the main means by which children gain body-knowledge and it is inescapable that media regulation is part of the cause.  It has been much more effective at preventing children from seeing real bodies than it has at preventing them from seeing the unrepresentative products of the body exploitation industries.  Should children gain their knowledge of what people look like from glamour and pornography . . . Pornography is filling the vacuum left by absent or inadequate sex education. . . there is little or no evidence that pornography is actually harmful but little of it is good sex education. . . Young people will always find ways to access pornography . . .” -

“Being nude in front of someone such as a family member should be easy, but very often it is not.  We should be able to trust every family member with our bare and fully exposed selves because they love and respect us for who we are not by what we wear.” - Centauri4,

“Clothing conceals our strength. our muscles, our spirit, our grace, our determination.” -

“. . . spending your vacation with like-minded people who don’t wear anything is liberating.  It helps people understand that their bodies are wonderful and diverse with plenty of variety.  There is no ideal body unless it is the one you were born with.  There is no one there with an airbrush – everyone is simply who they are.” – Vicki Pinkerton,

Sunday, June 25, 2017

International Hike Naked Day

I was busy on International Hike Naked Day (6/21/2017), so had to be satisfied with hiking the Nature & Meditation Trail on my land.  I spent several hours walking naked (as I do most days – I need it).  In addition to signs for the types of vegetation and major religions, as a naturist I have included many signs with nature- related quotes.  Here are a few:

“Over the years, people have lost most of their connection with nature.  One would be surprised how many children only know forests or natural lakes from TV, they’ve never seen it with their own eyes.  We need to get back to nature, we need to remember the smell of nature, we need to feel nature, we need to see nature.  Instead of watching that soap opera every day, we should make it a habit to spend at least a little bit of time every day in a green environment.  To touch nature, with our hands, our feet, our whole body.  We need to learn to love nature again.” - Travelblog

“Nature should be a fundamental part of democracy; it’s a human right and a necessity.” – Florence Williams

“I simply allow myself to be in and with nature.  There I am connected even as I am shattered.  I have peace even with the madness within.  And even as I feel lost, here I am home.” - Hontouniheart

“In every walk with nature, one receives more than he seeks.” - John Muir

“I'd forgotten I once noticed the seasons, the calling of birds, the smell of sap on the air.  Finding that person again has been one of the most intense and comforting experiences of my life.” - Julie Myerson

“I go out in nature to recharge my batteries, to renew my soul, and to scrub off the layers of crud that living in civilization puts on me.” - Al

“The important thing is to experience the moment, the right now as it is.  Just be aware of the breathing, the air, the sun, the movement, no judgment, just the gift.  Then the mind is just there.  It is getting in the way most of the time.” - Jbee Goode

“Mother Nature is naked in all her glory.  Man covers her up with concrete and destroys her natural beauty.  We seek the places where she is the most untouched for there she is the most beautiful.”

“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” – Vincent Van Gogh

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” - Albert Einstein

Everyone is welcome to visit our natural trail in Dewey, AZ.


“I love the bliss of laying naked in the sun in golden silence!” - Kensunwalker
QUOTES 6/25/2017

“In July of 2008, the American Association for Nude Recreation (AANR) coordinated the world’s largest skinny dipping event at multiple venues, getting the bathing suits off of 13,674 people, and their buns into the pools of 103 resorts around the country.” – Pat M.,

“Ripped and Stripped Making of the 2017 Calendar” (Video) -

“Go Topless Day, a movement started in 2007 and first observed a year later, is now international.  This year’s Go Topless Day on August 28 [2016] includes events in at least 57 cities all around the world.  Go Topless Day events are scheduled for cities in the U.S., Canada, the U.K., South Korea, France, Italy, The Philippines and more. Women and men will gather to support a woman’s right to go topless just like men.  The event is always scheduled for the Sunday closest to August 26, which is officially Women’s Equality Day in the U.S.  That day marks the anniversary of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, which granted women the right to vote.” -

“As nudists say, you were born naked!  That’s the natural state, and clothing can be seen as the unnatural state.  Out of the whole animal kingdom, we’re the only ones that put on pieces of fabric in public even when it’s a pointless, uncomfortable hindrance.” – Felicity Jones,

“When you become a nudist you will make a brand new set of friends from all walks of life.” – Rupa,

“We are fortunate people!  We discovered naturism at a young age, and now we are empty-nesters with enough discretionary income to explore the planet in the best possible way – naked. . . when we go on vacation . . . we’ll travel as lightly as possible. . . [We have had] the luxury to embark on a naturist trek beginning in Spain, and ending up three months later in Greece. . . we have visited naturist places in South Africa, Asia, and Brazil.  (Australia is next!  So much naked – so little time.)  Almost without fail, we find that our search for a great naturist place pulls us off the beaten-down tourist path, and deeper into the local culture where everything seems a bit more real.  Or dare I say, genuinely naked!” -,

Saturday, June 24, 2017


“Naturism is a lifestyle that is worthy of respect.” - Kensunwalker
QUOTES 6/24/2017

“And I’m here to say that even though I’ve been a nudist for decades, erections do happen.  We are not eunuchs.  When I get an erection I don’t flaunt it, but I don’t hide it either.  My body is not shameful.  I will not go running for a towel or into the water.  I just continue reading my book or having a conversation, maybe positioning myself a little more modestly, and it will go away on its own. . . once guys have ‘permission’ to get hard it’s probably far less likely to happen as they won’t be thinking ‘Don’t get an erection!’ . . . which of course leads to just that. . . guys might be willing to try nudism if they’re not so damned worried about something that really doesn’t happen much, but DOES happen.  I don’t know why so many nudists are afraid to admit as much.  I think it just scares normal guys away from a lifestyle which is about accepting your body, not freaking out about its natural functions. . . It’d be a damned shame to never experience the freedom this way of living offers just because you’re afraid of something your body does.” -

“The Brighton 2016 Naked Bike Ride part 2” (video) -

“Try naturism, it’s good for you.  You’ll love it!” -

“. . . in the debate between the terms ‘nudist’ and ‘naturist’, we need to use our terms precisely and accurately . . . ‘naturist’ should be the preferred term.  Both terms carry a mindset and by using either one, you agree with the mindset of the term.  ‘Nudist’ carries a negative connotation of a person who joins a colony who lives without clothes.  A naturist, on the other hand, believes that clothes-free places have a purpose; that good, social nudity is to be so commonplace that there is no need for any location to be specifically dedicated as a naturist or clothes-free area, simply because the mindset behind the purpose for clothing needs to change.  We (as naturists) should be working to make the whole world clothes-free just as Christians are commanded to make disciples of all nations; however, we should not give up the habit of meeting together at public clothes-free venues for they show how far we’ve come. . . If we want the whole world to at least be exposed to freedom, we must not only congregate amongst ourselves in resorts, at conventions and on nude social networking sites.  We must go out to the legislatures of various states, exercise our freedom where it is legal and mix with others.  We not only have the freedom to be naturists, but also the responsibility to defend our beliefs. . . One day, hopefully soon, clothed minded people will realize that the clothing made by man is not better than the clothing given by God.” – Jordan Blum,

Friday, June 23, 2017


“Being naked outside that is wonderfully freeing and special.” - Kensunwalker
QUOTES 6/23/2017

“For most of the history of our species, in most parts of the world, bathing has been a collective act.  In ancient Asia, the practice was a religious ritual believed to have medical benefits related to the purification of the soul and body.  For the Greeks, the baths were associated with self-expression, song, dance and sport, while in Rome they served as community centers, places to eat, exercise, read and debate politics.  But communal bathing is rare in the modern world. . . The eclipse of communal bathing is one symptom of a wider global transformation, away from small ritualistic societies to vast urban metropolises populated by loose networks of private individuals.  This movement has . . . contributed to rampant loneliness, apathy and the emergence of new psychological phenomena, from depression to panic and social anxiety disorders.  ‘
Urban alienation’, a term much-used by sociologists at the start of the 20th century, has become a cliché for describing today’s world. . . Reintroducing bathhouses . . . could be a means of tackling the loneliness of living in contemporary megacities. . . being physically present with one another makes us more aware of ourselves, and those around us, as biological – not purely linguistic and intellectual – organisms.” – Jamie Mackay,

“Le Sérignan Plage Nature” (Video) -

“One of the main arguments for bringing up children in a nudist community is it instils a realistic and more positive attitude to body image from a young age, destroying the damaging effect size-zero models and airbrushed magazine images can have.” -

“. . . voyeurism and exhibitionism are essentially hardwired into every human being.  It’s part of biology in the cause of perpetuating the human race!  Most exhibitionism in today’s society actually takes place when we’re fully clothed, in an effort to say, ‘Hey!  Look at me!  Admire my human form and maybe we’ll be friends.’  And, of course, an exhibitionist has nothing to show off, if there are no voyeurs looking on.” -

“The scary part is taking your clothes off in the beginning.  It will disappear after a few minutes in class . . . While many equate being naked with sex, this couldn't be further from the truth in a naked yoga class.” - Monika Werner,

“In Germany . . . people are comfortable with their bodies.  Nudity - in gyms, saunas and public places stops being such a big deal anymore.  Yes, it comes as a culture shock in the beginning, but once that is over, you feel relieved with a new-found sense of freedom.” – Appeksha Harihar,

Thursday, June 22, 2017


“Naturism normalizes the body physically, mentally, and spiritually, so it’s very healthy.” - Kensunwalker
QUOTES 6/22/2017

“Everyone should have access to nude recreation and social nudity. . . Nudism needs to be available to everyone everywhere.” -

“The Brighton 2016 Naked Bike Ride part 1” (video) -

“The day started by driving south . . . Parking, we set off behind the farm buildings and headed up the valley, undressing as we reached the first trees. . . We crossed a wooden bridge and headed steeply up the hillside, soon being overtaken by a small mixed group of friendly hikers.  Interestingly, Conxita was along to make a film of the week . . . she stripped off entirely early on and stayed that way for most of the rest of the week.  For someone who had never done any naked hiking at all, ever, she seemed to be taking to the idea like a duck to water, and she was setting a fine example to the rest of us, and to others who might like to try the activity in future. It was really nice to see such enthusiasm from a young woman not afraid to shed her inhibitions in the company of strangers and passers by.” –

“Frankly, before going to Mexico, I had never heard the term ‘cenote’, which refers to a deep natural sinkhole, typical to Yucatan peninsula, but as soon as I heard the description and searched for images, I had no doubt I had to see those!  When we arrived to this cenote, we were lucky to have no one else around, so surely enough I got naked.  Skinny-dipping in cenotes, definitely something to remember!” -

“No burden of clothes – I’m totally free to enjoy my life” -

“Each human is born naked, the body is an inherent good and innocent thing. . . the human body is not an object of sin, nor can it be considered lewd, indecent or obscene.” –

“I used to relate nudity to sexuality before, but not anymore . . . Being nude is just about feeling good with other people equally, without the shackles of clothing.  A naked body is neutral . . . no prying eyes.” - Oriane Parent, a 25-year-old Paris student,

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


“Stand up for your naked beliefs and come out to everyone.” – Kensunwalker
QUOTES 6/21/2017

“It’s fascinating how little some people seem to understand about being clothes-free.  The concept of having to wear fabrics . . . is so ingrained in many people’s minds that doing anything without them seems to hit a mental roadblock.” – Paul,

“Thalasso et SPA naturiste” (Video) -

“Some people believe that nudists are so desensitized by seeing nude people all the time that we have no sex life.  But that’s not true.  Nudist couples report having much better sex lives and much more intimate relationships with their partners.  Nudists understand that a relationship isn’t based on seeing their partner naked.  While we are attracted to our partners, others seeing them nude doesn’t diminish their attractiveness.  And we know that no one else has the intimate relationship we have with our partner.  That relationship, the one behind closed doors, the whispers in the middle of the night, the shoulder to cry on and the shared laughter, THAT is what a partnership is built on.  That is what a loving relationship is built on.  And that is something that does not equate to mere nudity.  And within that deeper relationship, couples report having a much better, much more fulfilling sex life than non-nudists.” - The Heartland Naturists,

“One thing you hear a lot about Europe's attitude towards nudity is that they don't equate it with sex.  A concept Americans - aside from nudists - don't seem to understand.  But once you've spent time at a resort you realize there is absolutely nothing sexual about ordering a hamburger when you're naked.  Nor is there anything arousing about sending emails with a bare ass.  A naked day will teach you that you can interact, sans clothes, with people for a lot of things other than sex.” – Matt Meltzer,

“I decide to attend . . . 2014, a nudist and nude-freedom event at Lupin Lodge in Los Gatos, California.  Bodyfest advertises contests both physical and creative, plus music, dance performances, yoga, massages and more body-freedom fun. . . At a lunch table in the main lodge I meet what seems to be the core group of young nudists in attendance.  Maris is a curly-haired blonde raw vegan who, despite living a nude lifestyle on communal acreage in northern California, has never before used conventional sunscreen. . . She sits with Mia and Jonathan . . . There is also Laura, gorgeous with fair skin, shiny dark hair and bright blue eyes. . . Another man I meet, Chris, bald and shaved from top to toe—and everywhere in between. . .” - Molly Oswaks,

Tuesday, June 20, 2017


“It’s time to bite the bullet and try naturism.” – Kensunwalker
QUOTES 6/20/2017

“Now, let's be clear about something.  When you hear that someone has a problem with nudists, there's a tendency to say they have a problem with the human body.  That's not true, of course.  No one gets freaked out or bans someone from a public pool for showing too much clavicle or displaying a brazen amount of scapula. . . this is about penises and vaginas.  That's it.  And it's not just the appearance of them, but what they suggest: sex.  Somehow, some people can't get their mind around the fact that a penis and a vagina can just exist; they assume, if exposed, they will be used. . . [Naturists] are well aware they will constantly have to explain they are not swingers or molesters.  People seem to conveniently forget that the overwhelming number of sexual predators not only come fully dressed, but also usually in some pretty officious duds, i.e., clergy, coaches and teachers.  But it's the mention or suggestion of penises and vaginas that get people worked up and delivered to a dark place where things such as conservative values of personal freedom and responsibility go to die.” -

“World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) London 2016” (Video) -

“I have lots of sarongs, different colors and sizes and find them perfect for a quick cover up and very comfy to wear.  I always have one near the front door for when anyone calls and use them on the beach too.  I guess as I'm a woman they're easy to wear but I've seen lots of men wearing them too and they really just look like a thin towel around their waists.  It’s so much easier to use a sarong that trying to put on shorts.” – Shiraz,;topicseen

“I go hiking nude with one or more TN friends on many of my trips in the USA including some trails in several US National Parks and in state parks. . . it isn't always possible, but when it is we enjoy it.  We have occasionally accidently run into clothed hikers while nude, but no major problems with them.” – Romhiker,

“. . . public nudity is a great leveller.  As soon as someone is naked, you can’t tell a thing about who they are or what they do for a living.  You can’t tell what they earn, what kind of status they have.  Once naked, we’re all kind of equal.  Yes, there’s a huge diversity in body shape and size, but strip us of our designer labels and the clothes that we feel make a statement of who we are and you’re left with flesh.  It differs in shade, in sagginess and in volume, but we’re basically all just sacks of meat.  Expose that, and all our flaws, and it’s a mixture of liberation and sharing of innate vulnerability.  After a very short while, all the breasts, buttocks and penises merge into a flesh-colored blur and you really forget you’re naked.” -

Monday, June 19, 2017


“Freehiking is fantastic - feel free and feel the sun and feel the wind on your whole body.” – Kensunwalker
QUOTES 6/19/2017

“. . .  nudism can be advertised to end body shame. . . something like, ‘Gymnophobia (the fear of nudity) is a serious problem.  Get rid of it.  Recognize the human body is not sexual.  Practice nudism with your family.  Nudism does not hurt children.  Nudism is not about sex.  Body shame benefits no one.  Don’t wear clothes all the time.  Love your body and become a nudist.  Get help now.” -

“Girls running in the race, but the difference nudist” (Video) -

“In Belgium we have a saying . . . ‘The clothes make the man’.  Well, take off those clothes and everyone’s equal.  There’s no division anymore and nobody tries to pretend anymore that they’re perfect.  You learn to accept everyone’s flaws but most of all you learn to accept your own.” – Nick&Lins,

“Stepping outside, I am in clothing.  Usually, I’m in my best.  I am alive with my nature, alert, and aware of the gift of a body and its place in this world and universe.  Today, I am wrapped in an alien form, an unnatural obviously impractical useless costume.  Do I really need such a spacesuit for the planet that I was born from? . . . I’m on display.  I’m complemented on my social adeptness of personal decoration, as we all wear our costumes and turn down the thermostat to accommodate our clothing.  I want to start a conversation about clothing obsession, but I cannot.  I must not be a freak amongst peers.  They wouldn’t understand if I tried to explain myself and the behavior of naturism and the reality of nudity. . . it would fall on me, leaving me socially dead.  For some, everything is dependent on these trappings, oh boy what a good description, TRAPPINGS! . . . If one were to calculate the time choosing, dressing, washing, hanging, and buying clothing that would be years out of a lifetime, and then . . . there is the expense. . . I understand the truth.  There is no going back.  The training in the unnatural that I was given, starting as a toddler, has been lifted.  Sanity does not shake off easily, memory survives.  And sometimes, people that know me as a naturist criticize me.  They tell me that I am obsessed with nudity, or rebellious, or eccentric for comporting myself as such.  Others, if they knew, would judge me sick, obscene, an exhibitionist, a perverted fool.  I know how good naked feels, just as any child.  Experience with aging has taught me how unhealthy clothing can be.  I have spent enough time naked to know the truth.  It is the textile world that is obsessed with clothing.  I’m not the one obsessed, I just know better.” – Jbee,

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Working on the Land

Most every day I am blessed to be able to spend hours naked working on our land - improving trails, watering the garden, meditating.  Of course I love it!

“Naturists are interconnected and whole.” – Kensunwalker
QUOTES 6/18/2017

“Since the class began last month, more than 100 people have signed up to the Auckland Nude Yoga database.  In fact, Aucklanders are so keen, the nude classes are already selling out and organizers are on the hunt for a bigger venue in Grey Lynn. . . . the reason for disrobing is primarily for unrestricted range of movement, but . . . [there are] big benefits for self-esteem . . . Everybody has something that they aren't comfortable with and there are so many images in society of body 'perfection' that we assume we need to look a certain way to be 'normal'.  The feedback from people is amazing when they share with you how they feel more confident and their insecurities are becoming less and less part of their mind.  It's about all shapes and sizes, all people are welcome.” – Simon Plumb,

“In what could be a first in Indian politics, a nude monk waxed wisdom in a State Legislative Assembly on Friday, doling out advice on a wide range of subjects including the state of Indian politics, dealing with Pakistan, and how to prevent female foeticide.  Jain religious leader Tarun Sagar, who was invited by Education Minister Ram Bilas Sharma to kick off Haryana Assembly's monsoon session, had lawmakers spellbound for 40 minutes.” (Video as well at: -

“Yesterday was a wonderful day to go out with my convertible for a naked drive with the top down. Sunshine and fresh warm air all over.” – Greenwind,

“Stephen Gough likes to be naked; so much so, it has cost him his freedom.  He has spent a combined total of 10 years in prison for showing too much skin in public, having been arrested multiple times.  Gough, also known as the ‘naked rambler . . . is not a danger to the public, but when he walked naked from John o'Groats to Lands' End in the UK in 2003, he caused outcries around the country.  When he attempted the journey again he was quickly arrested.  In prison he was often put into solitary confinement for his refusal to wear clothes.  And yet, nobody can argue with the fact that we are all born, like Gough, without clothes.  The difference is that most of us go on to cover up in our public lives.” - Melissa Hogenboom,

“If my son or daughter 'confessed' to trying naturism, I would be delighted - and not just because I am a naturist.  Anything where someone follows their instincts instead of being swayed by pointless convention has to be good.” – atourist,;topicseen

Saturday, June 17, 2017


“Be nude any and all the time.” – Kensunwalker
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“Naturist photos act like ambassadors to non-naturists, demonstrating who we are and what we believe.” – Kensunwalker