Sunday, June 25, 2017

International Hike Naked Day

I was busy on International Hike Naked Day (6/21/2017), so had to be satisfied with hiking the Nature & Meditation Trail on my land.  I spent several hours walking naked (as I do most days – I need it).  In addition to signs for the types of vegetation and major religions, as a naturist I have included many signs with nature- related quotes.  Here are a few:

“Over the years, people have lost most of their connection with nature.  One would be surprised how many children only know forests or natural lakes from TV, they’ve never seen it with their own eyes.  We need to get back to nature, we need to remember the smell of nature, we need to feel nature, we need to see nature.  Instead of watching that soap opera every day, we should make it a habit to spend at least a little bit of time every day in a green environment.  To touch nature, with our hands, our feet, our whole body.  We need to learn to love nature again.” - Travelblog

“Nature should be a fundamental part of democracy; it’s a human right and a necessity.” – Florence Williams

“I simply allow myself to be in and with nature.  There I am connected even as I am shattered.  I have peace even with the madness within.  And even as I feel lost, here I am home.” - Hontouniheart

“In every walk with nature, one receives more than he seeks.” - John Muir

“I'd forgotten I once noticed the seasons, the calling of birds, the smell of sap on the air.  Finding that person again has been one of the most intense and comforting experiences of my life.” - Julie Myerson

“I go out in nature to recharge my batteries, to renew my soul, and to scrub off the layers of crud that living in civilization puts on me.” - Al

“The important thing is to experience the moment, the right now as it is.  Just be aware of the breathing, the air, the sun, the movement, no judgment, just the gift.  Then the mind is just there.  It is getting in the way most of the time.” - Jbee Goode

“Mother Nature is naked in all her glory.  Man covers her up with concrete and destroys her natural beauty.  We seek the places where she is the most untouched for there she is the most beautiful.”

“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” – Vincent Van Gogh

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” - Albert Einstein

Everyone is welcome to visit our natural trail in Dewey, AZ.


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