Wednesday, June 7, 2017

QUOTES 6/7/2017

“There are many ways nudity opens our minds.  I think for some people it can be a cultural awakening.  For others, it’s experiencing the world as they never had.  And there are those who find they focus better without distraction.  Whatever the reason, nudity opens our minds and allows us to peer deeper into ourselves and what’s around us. . . Nudism opens our minds in ways we can’t believe or imagine.” -

“A Skinny Dip in the River Thames” (Video) -

“The hike started. . . After the first corner . . . All the hikers removed and stuffed their clothing . . . Some people even removed their shoes.  So, now was about to begin my first naked hike.  The feeling, standing naked in the woods with 50 other naked people, was nearly overwhelming. . . after a few hundred metres any nervousness vanished altogether and was replaced by an intense feeling of awareness of my surroundings.  An absolutely amazing experience!  I opened up to the weather and began to soak in the surroundings with all my senses. . . The sun’s rays felt very pleasant on the exposed skin and a gentle breeze gave such a wonderful feeling.  I looked at the trees around us, at the path which stretched ahead, and was impressed with both myself and the situation, that I was even able to walk along with such a large group of naked people. What a marvelous feeling! . . . I thought about what I had discovered.  I love the bodily awareness of moving so freely amongst nature.  Even the smallest of differences began to push in on my sense of reality. . . the sun’s warm rays once more caressed my naked body.” -Nicole Wunram,

“I would at occasions take off all my clothes.  I felt like: ‘This is all there is.  My wild untamed spirit.  My naked body.  The dirt, the bass, the sky, the stars.” -

“I rarely wear a bra.  I never wear one at home and only sometimes when I go out in public.  I'm 45 and a C cup.  At this point in my life, I don't care who gets offended.  I'm just not wearing one.  I always hated them and rarely wore them anyway.” – Pamela Drake-Donahoe,

“The most genuine you is the undisguised you!  If you have never got down to a state of being with everything unhidden, then you have not achieved the reality of being genuinely, uniquely you!” -

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