“We live in an atmosphere of shame. We are ashamed of everything that is real
about us; ashamed of ourselves . . . ashamed of our naked skins.” – George
Bernard Shaw, A Brief History of Nakedness, 2013, p. 195
“Usually . . . naturist/nudist conversations focus
almost exclusively on the nudity part. . . We don’t talk much about . . . the
environment. . . the key things that could invite more people to try out
naturism and clothes free living. . . What if, rather than obsess over the
nudity aspect, we shape the invitation to naturism around, well, nature? Many of us women yearn to spend more time in
nature. We want to feel that healing connection
back to earth and all things organic.
Nature allows us to be ourselves.
We get to step away from all the frustrations of the day, the catcalls,
the pressures and just be. Fresh air,
plants, water, animals. All of these
things are very healing to us. We
remember who we are. . . if naturists are trying to figure out more ways to get
women involved, include nature in your approaches! Nature-ism! . . . Instead of making it about
mandatory nudity . . . rules and ideology, make it about her. Invite women to an experience. Speak to the healing,
the space, the freedom. Promote the
trees, how it feels to breathe fresh air, the melting away of stress. Meditation in nature. Journaling outdoors. Walking about in direct connection to the
environment. These are the things we
need in order to heal, reconnect, balance and empower
ourselves. . . Nature gives us a wonderful opportunity to reach out, invite
and connect with others. Let’s use
it! Naturally!” – Honhouniheart, https://clothesfreelife.com/2017/01/11/women-and-nature-ism/
“. . . my wife called me and asked me to go to my
sister in laws house to repair her washer she would be leaving for work and her
daughter for school . . . But I said I didn't have my work clothes on and
didn't want to ruin what I was wearing and she told me well they won't be there
just get naked. Well you don't have to
ask twice. Got busy and forgot I was
naked as usual, time passed. The next
thing I heard was a car door close and panic . . . as she [the sister] was leaving
she asked how it was going. I said slow
trying hard to not get grease all over me, she just laughed and said well I'm
leaving, just take your clothes off and don’t worry.” – Farmerbare, https://www.truenudists.com/group/you-know-youre-a-nudist-/1/102144/
“I am an actress who is happy in her skin suit.” -
Apollonia Kotero, https://twitter.com/ApolloniaKotero
“Maybe you remember . . . Twister. Doing that in the nude is seriously
entertaining . . . you can’t keep doing this all the time, I understand, but
it’s great fun to do, especially if you can invite a few naturist friends
over.” – Paul, http://zjuzdme.org/blog/2016/11/30/what-to-do-when-the-cold-creeps-in/
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