Sunday, February 26, 2017

QUOTES 2/26/2017

“I simply find myself caring about the issue less and less.  It’s not a passion for being naked that draws me to nudism, but an ambivalence about being clothed.  For some people it may be about a thrill, or a movement, or even some sort of cause, but for me it’s just about being comfortable.” -

“Tanna' Trailer” (Video) -

[On World Nude Hiking Day]  “A group of nineteen of us gathered in central Vermont to hike a 10-mile stretch of the Appalachian Trail.  The oldest was in his mid-70's, the youngest 10 and 1/2 months.  We were also accompanied by five-year-old Ivy, an experienced hiker of the four-legged variety.  The weather was perfect for hiking nude, with temperatures in the mid-80s and enough of a breeze to keep the heat from being oppressive.  Toward the end of the hike we had a refreshing dip in Little Rock Pond, whose waters were cool but not cold.  It was a great opportunity to get to know some other active naturists.  We also passed about a dozen clothed hikers, and took the opportunity to explain by wishing them each ‘Happy Naked Hiking Day.’  Most were already aware of the tradition, though several thought it was supposed to be the next day.  One said that he had hiked nude for two hours in the morning -- apparently just checking it off his list of things to do as part of his through-hike experience rather than relaxing and really enjoying the freedom.  Too bad for him.  We all, on the other hand, greatly enjoyed the whole day and found it difficult to get dressed at the end.” – Milt, Personal email

“I have spent much of my naturist career being more confined than liberated.  Since . . . realizing that I was indeed a naturist and wanted to be naked much of the time, it has been a constant search and struggle to find safe, solitary time in nature and having to put up with corners of my garden and house to be naked in most of the time. . . keep at it, you will find places and opportunities.” – Nuduke,;topicseen

“I have a really nice back porch where the pool is.  Once the shoes are off, the socks come off too, and then everything else downstairs just follows at some point.” – Channing Tatum,

“Nudism can’t be mainstream if we keep having misconceptions . . . like it’s mainly for the elderly . . . nudists are asexual people, nudism is dying, nudists live in colonies, and nudist places are of sexual activity.  We need to debunk all these misconceptions.  We need to educate about nudism more now than ever.” -

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