Friday, July 28, 2017

QUOTES 7/28/2017

“There have, in fact, been many studies on this [children and nudity].  In general, they found that that nudity doesn't harm children at all, and that it is in fact good for them.  They grow up being less ashamed of what they are, and more tolerant and accepting of others.  Kids all start off being fine with nudity, theirs and other people's.  It's very common for kids to prefer being naked, much to the frustration of some parents.  In my house growing up, kids were allowed, even encouraged, to be naked at home with just family present, and I've known several families, including branches of my own, where the parents were very casual about being nude at home, and the kids were allowed to grow up that way.  I envied them and they all turned out just fine, thank you.  Conditioning kids to be ashamed of what they are and to be offended by what other people are, is cruel.” – Rick,

“Mowing down prejudice” (Video) -

“Modesty in clothing is supposedly designed to prevent people from being overwhelmed by their sexual urges, yet it seems to have the opposite effect of stoking those urges to the point where an ankle or a shoulder can send one into fits of passion. . . There are probably some people out there who don’t want nudity de-sexualized, because there is a certain power that comes with modesty.  To be able to seduce with an ankle is heady stuff.  I submit, however, that overall the price isn’t worth it.  In addition to the power of seduction that comes with modesty also comes the potential for body shame. . . Modesty taboos suppose that society also has a stake in my body, a right to dictate what I can and can’t wear, and that in some cases society’s right to interact with my body in a certain way takes precedence over my right to interact with myself in a certain way.  I disagree with this notion when it comes to how I dress.” – Kris Williams,

“Nudists interact with ordinary people in public without any fuss. . . Nudists will cluster on one side of the beach, with other ordinary beach-goers in the other side.  They do so naturally without further ado.  There are also many nudist hot springs in northern Europe . . . Nudism is nothing extraordinary in Europe.” - Gregers Moller,

“My first time naked was on a beach in fuerteventura aged 18; it took a while for me to realize I was on the fringe of a nudist beach and a little longer to decide to pull off my swimming shorts; once that had been done I spent the remainder of my 2 weeks naked swimming chatting and sunbathing with other nudists.” – Nottsnudist,;topicseen

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