Sunday, September 17, 2017

QUOTES 9/16/2017

“We love our ‘Happy Place’ at Olive Dell Ranch.  A few weeks ago my wife explained how much we enjoyed our ‘Happy Place’ to her 82 year old step mother, who commented that she had never even dreamed of having a ‘Happy Place’.  Her life had been one of religion, discipline, and raising a family in the ‘proper manner’.  How sad to have lived an entire lifetime without a ‘Happy Place’.  We have friends who would love to find a ‘Happy Place’  but always have reasons to not get there – too much work, not enough money, not enough time, wrong location (too far away), raising children, family and friends who wouldn’t understand – lots of reasons, many excuses, and in the end ‘no time left’.  Life is too short for excuses.  It’s so sad that most people spend a lifetime striving for approval, money, possessions, and power, setting goals, trying to be like someone they admire, someone who really doesn’t exist, rather than reconciling themselves to their real selves and accepting their true ‘Happy Place’, a place of peace, a place of love, and in our case, a place free from clothing.  Naturism helps people find their ‘Happy Places’, away from the stresses of the so-called real world.  Our ‘Happy Places’ ultimately count most of all.  So I encourage everyone to dream enough to search for a ‘Happy Place’.  And naturism is the easiest path to finding a real ‘Happy Place’. – perhaps the only path.” – Kenfreehiker

“Why I Don't Wear Bra's or Underwear” (Video) -

“By going nude in the presence of others, including members of the opposite sex, you’ll lose every connection with the nudity taboo.  But it goes further than that, in a symbolic way, by taking over your clothes you take off everything that presses on you: society, work, complexes.  You can even see it as a sort of rebellion, we are bound to rules and laws our whole life and by getting naked we throw away all that is artificial and become one with nature.” -

“We should not be judged by the clothes we may or may not wear, but by what is inside our hearts.  You can stay dressed, if you so please.  But at least let us be equally comfortable and happy.” - Buck,

“Nudity is, in general, way less sexy and provocative than clothing.  In cultures where public nudity is not acceptable, showing skin is perceived as a message of sexual availability, or an attempt to turn others on.” – Kris Williams,

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