Sunday, September 17, 2017

QUOTES 9/17/2017

“. . . the most commonly stated benefit of social nudism is the lack of judgment and that it helps people to develop self-acceptance.  Socializing in the nude is an excellent reminder that human bodies come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and that no body is shameful because all are imperfect.  When everyone is nude, suddenly many of the social barriers disappear. . . Black or White, everybody is on an equal footing.   let down their guard and can show their inner beauty.  It is actually a wonderful state of being that makes the world a little nicer. . . One of the most common reasons for naturists to become social nudists is the feeling of acceptance among like-minded people.  In a social nudist community, nobody treats your body as unworthy or shameful, and everyone approves of your naturist lifestyle and philosophy.” – Jordan Blum,

“Naked Labor Swatchgarden IV” (Video) -

“I became a naturist . . . because I finally realized that my exterior doesn’t matter; it’s a shell that transports my spirit around.  I became a naturist because I finally realized somewhere along this process, that I am enough.  I am perfect despite all of my imperfections in my shell’s coding.  I became a naturist because I finally realized that I am whole and have always been whole. . . I want to scream from the mountain tops announcing that every person, every woman, man, child, and everyone who falls anywhere within that spectrum is born whole and perfect, no matter what the fashion, textile, diet, beauty, and health industries tell you.  You are perfect despite what you have been trained.  You are beautiful through your actions and love.  And you are whole all on your own.” - Conci Nelson,

“I learned a valuable lesson . . . I learned that I should never avoid something just because I felt uncomfortable with it.  Sometimes you just have to go with the flow and more often than not nothing bad will happen.  Who knows, perhaps one day I could wrap my head around the nude freedom that many nudists experience every single day!” -

“You can trace nudism back to man's creation — you know, Adam and Eve and their shoddy fig leaves . . . Most ancient societies, from Greece to Egypt, have a rich history of nudism.  In America, though, nudism didn't necessarily crop up with the foundling country's first settlement.  The pilgrims believed that to be naked was to be depraved.  Things changed after the Revolutionary War, when nudity started to find a place in society.  The practice of nudity was popular with 19th century artists and authors like Walt Whitman, Mark Twain, and Henry David Thoreau . . . Twentieth century Germany saw the rise of naturism, a form of nudism that also advocates for improving health and life. . . Currently there are places to be publicly nude in almost all 50 states, with California and Florida topping the list with the most spots.  While nudity in America is far less common than nudity in Europe, U.S. nudism is, as far as I can tell, enjoying something of a boon.” – Connelly Hardaway,

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