Sunday, October 15, 2017

QUOTES 10/15/2017

“Once I became comfortable with the fact that I am not doing anything ‘wrong’ or ‘sinful’ by desiring to partake in social nudity, I started coming ‘out of the shadows’. . . The first person I told was my mother.  We were talking about the resort that I frequent, Cypress Cove, and I told her that it is a nudist resort.  It certainly took her by surprise, because she probably thought that she had raised me better than that.  She did, but the ‘better than that’ was the traditional ‘modesty-doctrine’ which has no basis in Scripture.  She has more or less accepted that I am a nudist and she hasn’t mentioned it since.  Early this last spring, I came ‘out of the shadows’ to the senior pastor of my church. . .  Finding out that I am a nudist broke some new experiential and theological ground for him, but he had no Biblical basis for condemning either me or my lifestyle.  He simply asked me to not ‘advertise’ that I am a nudist.  Since then, the AANR decal has been replaced with a ‘God created nudists/Sinners created clothes’ decal.  The only church friend who has commented on it had to agree that what it says is true.  I am sure that quite a few others have seen it, but no one has asked me about it. I am not ‘advertising’ that I am nudist, but I am not hiding it either.” – Steve,

“I am attracted to the boldness of women who do not wear bras and dare to be or not to be.” – Gail L Winfree,

“How long do you spend agonizing over what to wear every day?  How long do you spend chafing in uncomfortable garments while trying to work because of some unthinking poorly-thought-out office ‘dress code’? . . . So you end up spending large sums of money on things you don’t like, don’t enjoy and which don’t really do anything useful. . . Ever-changing fashions and clothing choices have just added another layer of stress and paranoia to a world which has plenty of that as it is.” – Dean Burnett,

“When everyone is naked . . . nakedness is entirely desexualized . . . [and] perfection becomes freakish.  The supposed flaws of the standard human body become the norm in astonishing contrast to the perfected image we’re brainwashed into believing is normal by various media.” – Sarah Carry,

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