Monday, October 30, 2017

QUOTES 10/30/2017

“We live in an era when mass media have unprecedented power over our conceptions over what a normal or ideal body looks like.  This message is rarely, if ever, countered by personal, real-life encounters with large numbers of average nude persons.  Thus, an entirely incorrect idea of ‘normal bodies’ or ‘ideal bodies’ is allowed to take hold of the mind with little connection with the facts.” -

“Show Room Dummies-Spot On Koreografisk Platform” (Video) -

“I like the freedom, the openness, the sun and wind on my skin.  Waking up, getting out of bed, and just walking out the door without stopping to think about what to put on.  I live in the middle of 40 acres, so I don't have neighbors close enough to worry about.  My wife doesn't go nude at home as much as me, but she loves skinny dipping and hates wearing a suit any time while in the water.  She usually just wears a t-shirt at home.  We went to our first nude campground last summer and, to my surprise, she loved it.  As others have said, the people are so much nicer at a nude campground.  We have camped in textile campgrounds for over a dozen years with the same people and we always comment about how the regulars don't like us around.  They are usually not rude, but not very open.  On our one weekend at the nude campground, we met and talked to almost every person who walked by.  They are way, way more friendly.  We are already planning on going back this summer.” – Mnnude,

“Nudists don’t take their clothes off; they put them on when they have to.” –

“Morality is in some cases created; but is it really morality if it has no purpose and no basis?  What is so wrong about a human body?  We are beautiful, luminous beings . . . There is no shame in that.  No immorality either.” – Trent Lewin,

“My naked body is not made for sex.  It's made for me to do whatever I want with it.  If I want to play the guitar naked at a park, that's exactly what I'll do.  Don't make me something I'm not: a sexual object.  I am a divine goddess of love and light.  We all are.  The divine in me honors the divine in you.” –

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