Sunday, October 8, 2017

QUOTES 10/8/2017

“It is true that in the past, naturism was adapted by the hippies and that the first ‘modern’ naturists were true nature lovers who probably did their laundry in the river and their business in the woods.  But saying that naturism is for hippies is the same as saying that indie music is for hippies.  It’s true but certainly not exclusively.” – Nick&Lins,

“Nacktes Isar-Pokalkegeln” (Nude Bowling Video) -

“The art of Ancient Greece focused unashamedly on the naked body. Female nudity was treated discreetly but the unclothed male form was everywhere. . . Not all the artwork shows the body naked but a lot of it does.  For the Greeks the body had almost entirely positive connotations: there was no shame. . . For a man in Ancient Greece to be naked at, say, the wrestling academy was to join the ranks of the righteous.  Representations of the naked male were common and I doubt they ever shocked anyone.” - Vincent Dowd,

“Getting out for a walk and a little recreation is great, but shouldn't we be trying to get more out of our experience in nature?  To go higher and entertain greater goals?  I like my walks to be a more sophisticated venture where the type of recreation and its effect both mentally, spiritually, and environmentally are considered in order to produce an outcome.  I like my walks to take me somewhere special, not just out and back again through some kind of tree museum.  To have a full understanding of nature and your part in it, you have to understand that it is there for much more than just recreation.  It is, in fact, your natural habitat.  The habitat of the animal of man. . . NO, I don't expect you to go exposing yourself all over the countryside. . . Some discretion is warranted . . . You must use some sense in all of this and understand what you're reaching for." - Shane -

“Drove yesterday from Port Canaveral, Fl. to Playalinda nude.  Very nice day for a drive.  Spent an hour at the beach and then drove home.  All without a stitch on.” – gunga,

“Once I was old enough to drive, the nude beach was where I found my people.” – BigFatJesusHater,

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