Thursday, May 9, 2019

QUOTES 5/9/2019

“. . . the only way of becoming someone else was to ignore the voices that spoke up, alarmed and protesting, as I pulled off my T-shirt, unwrapped my skirt, and unhooked my bra.  If I deliberated, I would reverse, so without giving it another thought I ran into the water, the sea as warm as the air, and let myself wade in up to my waist.” – Will,

Montreal bodypainting day 2018 video” Video -

“Where else but a nudist resort could a naked woman jump in a car with a naked stranger and know it’s safe?” –

“The views on nudity vary as widely as recipes for gumbo and potato salad!  A lot of countries, the U.S. included, have a very conservative and limited view of nudity.  The naked body is seen as something to be hidden, sometimes vulgar, and needs to only be revealed in relation to sexual activities or doctor visits.  Other places have a much more liberal view and embrace nudity in a way that appreciates that every body is beautiful, and people are free to reveal or expose themselves as they see fit (appropriately and within reason, of course).” -

“Sleeping naked isn’t as popular as it should be.  Less than a third of people sleep in the nude, even though it offers several significant health benefits. . . It turns out, beauty sleep is a real thing, and sleeping naked may have something to do with it. . . The less clothes you wear, the cooler you’ll be, allowing your body to go to sleep faster – and stay asleep. . . sleeping naked is good for your wallet.  Sleeping without clothes keeps you cooler, preventing the need to pump the A/C during the summer months.  You also won’t have to spend any money on sleepwear.” - Amelia Willson,

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