Sunday, November 5, 2017

QUOTES 11/5/2017

“‘Disgusting’ is the word most frequently used when documentary filmmaker and body image activist Taryn Brumfitt asks 100 women to describe their bodies.  The statistics she quotes suggest we’re in the midst of an epidemic of self-loathing: 91 per cent of women hate their bodies, 70 per cent of girls are dissatisfied, and 50 per cent of 5-to-12-year-olds want to lose weight. . . In a world swamped by altered, unrealistic and sexualized images of women, the normal female body remains controversial.” – Rochelle Siemiemowicz,

“Bailey Walking & Running” (Video) -

“My self-consciousness eventually gave way to an appreciation for my own body as well as everyone else’s.  Our bodies simply became part of nature and the background instead of a point of comparison or judgment.  Lying there topless for a few hours was one of the most relaxing and freeing experiences I’d ever had.  The media is full of unrealistic examples of how we as women should look, clothed or nude.  No wonder we don’t want to be topless in front of one another; we live in constant fear of falling short of unattainable standards. . . If we all got to experience more regularly the freeing feeling of just being comfortable showing off the girls, we could learn how to celebrate each others’ bodies instead of judging them.” – Natalie Brown,

“Talk to your partner today about naturism.  Try it together!  It's a great learning and bonding experience.” -

“I first experienced skinny-dipping at around age 9.  My grandparents had a farm, and down the road was a covered bridge with a swimming hole in the creek underneath.  I would skinny-dip there with the neighbor kids and cousins.  We would run around playing Indian in the nude in the woods and swim throughout the day.  Alongside the road ran the railroad tracks.  Each day when the train came by the engineer would blow the horn and wave.  Everything was so easy and simple back then.  I was never opposed to going and visiting or staying at my grandparents. . . Time passed on and so did the farm.  Laws changed too, of course, against this sort of thing.  But I have always found secluded swimming holes to swim nude in.” – Rich, Erie, Pennsylvania,

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