Wednesday, March 15, 2017

QUOTES 3/15/2017

“The region could be looking at a new opportunity to boost its economy – simply by going clothing optional. . . On Monday Latrobe Council was set to consider a proposal from the Tasmanian Nudist Group to officially declare part of Bakers Beach as clothing optional. . . the entire state still has no officially declared – and therefore legal – nudist beaches.  Latrobe’s Cr John Perkins noted that it could bring potential tourism growth. . . Anything that can add another group of visitors to the region should be welcomed and promoted.  If not from interstate, just the influx of those from around Tasmania could be enough to boost the local economy. . . Comments around the proposal have been generally supportive, which would indicate a general community acceptance for the nudist cause. . . They believe the beach is big enough for everyone to have an area where they can enjoy their pursuits and the beauty of the beach area.  Tasmania is too small a place not to make the most of any opportunity we have for increasing visitation, and therefore improving the visitor economy.” -

“I have such exciting news for you!  While you don't have control of all women's bodies, you actually do have control of your eyes and what they see!  There are a lot of things that make me uncomfortable to see, like stains on white fabric, spiders, and people chewing with their mouths open.  But instead of screaming at the spiders for just being all spidery, I simply engage my neck muscles to turn my head, like, five degrees.  But if that is too much work, you can just have those trusty ocular muscles shift your eyeballs slightly to the right or left of the super-offensive breast . . .” – Elizabeth Laime,

“When parents think, discuss, and educate their children and starting early, they do better and make better judgement calls.  Yes, perhaps naturist parents are more attentive.  The way the deck is stacked the child rearing years are often not a time that one can be practicing naturism.  The kids grow up and the nest goes with the clothes, the nude living and experimentation are done beforehand.  During the years with the kids, grandparents are closer, families bond, school officials are meddling, the education system demands conformity, peer pressure from the outside, job takes away quality time, bodies of children are doing weird uncomfortable things before long, or not soon enough, etc.” – Jbee,;topicseen

“During swim meets in schools in many parts of the U.S., the boys swam naked and girls wore suits until the 1960's.” – Ron Krugjohann,

“The idea is really to go and talk about naturism and non-sexual nudity to as many people as possible and look for possibilities to expand our range of naked activities.” – Nuetheureux,

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