Saturday, March 4, 2017

QUOTES 3/4/2017

“. . . clothes are like band aids.  They cover up wounds and scars and secrets that you don’t want anyone to know or see.  When I took off each piece of clothing . . . everything that I had suppressed came rushing to the surface like a tsunami.  It wasn’t until I made that conscious decision that I wanted to live clothes free, that everything I had been bottling up came spewing out like a carbonated drink that had been shaken up before opening. . . So many years of hurt and pain came to me and I realized it was time to deal with those suppressed feelings and that trauma.  It isn’t until you take off the mask of clothes that you realize what has been holding you back from certain things.  You in the raw is the only way to come to terms with whatever it is that you are dealing with. . . In order for us to heal, we have got to stop hiding behind our clothes, houses, cars and every other material possession, strip down and let the past come to us, consume us and deal with it.” - Simply Moniqua,

“Try inviting your friends over for a clothing optional game night.  So much fun.” -

“I like to drive nude around where I live mostly at night.  If hot out so doesn’t look odd with no shirt on. . . Have driven most of way from AR to MI naked.  Just make sure you have you can grab to cover with if passing a truck on the left, and pair of shorts handy.  I wear flip flops or some other easy on/off shoe so I can slip the shorts on quick if need be.” – Djd,

“But perhaps the icing on the cake to justify casual nudity for Christians are ancient baptisms.  One can find ancient Roman murals from the early days of the Christian church and frescos portraying baptisms performed nude.  This makes perfect sense as baptism is symbolic of rebirth.  In 350 AD in Jerusalem, St. Cyril addressed a group of naked converts waiting to be baptized, declaring ‘You are now stripped and naked, in this also imitating Christ despoiled of his garments on His Cross.’  Prior to this in 200 AD, St. Hippolytus had written that total nudity was required for baptism.  Men and women alike were baptized together in a large basin, naked as the day they were born.  This nudity had special significance, as they were all standing innocent before God. . . [but] Baptism would also change as shame entered into the equation.  By the beginning of the eighth century, nude baptisms were no more.  In the Carolingian era, nudity was looked at as sexual, something that it hadn’t been before in early Christianity.  What had once been looked at as standing innocent before God, was now looked at as sexual and pagan.  Even Christ from then on was portrayed clothed on the crucifix.”

“I see no reason to restrict clothing in any way in a clothing optional situation. . . If someone is sexually aroused by someone else’s clothing choices, it’s the problem of the aroused person to get their act together.  I don’t care what other people wear or don’t wear.” -

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