Monday, March 27, 2017

QUOTES 3/27/2017

“Let’s get back to the basics and live naked!  It’s so unfair that being naked is underrated and underappreciated.” -

“I firmly believe that if you want to experience euphoria sans drugs, all you have to do is take off your bra after a long workday. . . ‘Why can’t I just live my life naked?’ . . . I can.  And some people do.  Nudists and naturists participate in plenty of normal activities like swimming, camping, and karaoke without clothes.  The degrees of nudity vary—some people are naked pretty much all the time, while others reserve it for social events every so often. . . life is much better in the nude.” – Zahra Barnes,

“You know, I am more ashamed of my body when I put on a bathing suit than when I am naked.  The bathing suit is meant to fit someone who does not have my body shape; I can’t tuck everything in and look good.  I would rather swim with nothing at all.” – Vicki Pinkerton,

“If you work towards being the best possible you, you are working to being more in harmony with your inner nature.” – Paul,

“Society has grossly overlooked the psychological, health, environmental, and societal benefits of a nudist lifestyle . . . While many in America desperately seek solutions for the critical problems resulting from today’s shallow, materialistic, unsustainable, environmentally destructive, socially isolated, emotionally disconnected, mentally stressful, and physically sedentary consumer lifestyles . . . Naturism remains a stepchild, isolated, hidden, shunned, and largely ignored by more popular holistic health and wellness, community involvement, and environmental sustainability movements.  We naturists can no longer remain silent if we wish to pass on the benefits of naturism to larger society, maintain them for future generations, or even retain them for ourselves.  Naturism is . . . under an attack of words, ordinances, laws, policy revisions, external political subversion, internal organizational discord, media ridicule, and marketing distortions.  We must win this war of words with our own true stories, our personal experiences, the benefits we have received, the social harmony we have observed, and the respectful personal accountability and social responsibility we have practiced.  We must actively engage the movements which have yet to mention us in meaningful discussion of the values and benefits associated with the practice of naturism. . . It is time to come out of the closet, grab the microphone, and make our voices heard!  We must do this, not only for our own good, but for the healing of our larger society which only becomes possible when truly broader and more inclusive holistic sustainable lifestyle alternatives and public policy options are brought to the table. . . the least we can do when find good information resources about naturism is sharing it - not only among other naturists, but among friends, family, etc.  I believe the majority of people are not against naturism, just uninformed and/or misinformed.” – African American Naturist,

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