Wednesday, March 29, 2017

QUOTES 3/28/2017

“Is there a way government can be any more oppressive than by criminalizing who we are at the most natural and basic level?  Government has declared that our very existence is lewd or obscene or indecent.  And so has religion. . . which has developed prudishness to the point where modesty seems to be its primary virtue, even over love and forgiveness and service.  Even a female's (yes, it's always the females) bare shoulders or bellybutton are obscene . . . But the truly obnoxious thing is that those of us being oppressed for our very existence are happy to go along with the oppression.  There are none so enslaved as those who are complicit with their own slavery, who help the oppressors enforce the slavery on their neighbors.  (Remember neighbors, those people whom Jesus said we should love?) . . . More and more laws keep getting created to criminalize the human body more and more, because we already don't have enough of a neurotic, shame-based relationship with ours and other people's bodies in America.  We are our own slave masters.” – Marty, Facebook

“Doing Chores” (Video) -

“How often do I get to say I hiked naked!” - Christopher Walter,

“People told me that I’d forget my own nakedness when I was surrounded by other naked bodies.  Before our first visit, I clung to that theory while agonizing over what I could shrink with an extra 10 sit-ups or crunches or lunges, what I could cover with a sarong while still being mostly naked.” – Julia Rosien,

“I don’t think nudity is unhealthy for children unless it’s conditioned to be so by adults.  I think children can handle anything that they are taught is OK and so if children grow up with the sense that ‘nudity is bad or scary’ then that’s what they’ll believe.  If they grow up with the sense that “nudity is normal and human” then they will be fine with it.  Kids grow up in the bush all the time surrounded by nudity and I’m pretty sure they’re not offended by it.  With that said, I don’t think men should go hang out on playgrounds exposed.” - Erica Simone,

“We’re staying in our [bikinis] . . . If you get down to it, it’s about the sport and not what we’re wearing, . . I grew up on the beach . . . There’s no airbrushing.” - Misty May-Treanor, Beach Volleyball Gold Medalist,

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