Sunday, April 23, 2017

Naked Meditation

In church several weeks ago I realized that I should work less on the trails and meditate more, so each day after adding a few signs, etc., to the trail, I have spent nearly an hour walking the trail nude and sitting nude in the 12 meditation areas.  It has been wonderfully freeing and motivating.  Here is a sample meditation that I speak aloud in each area:

“I am the presence and power of God.  As God’s child and using God's power I have created this wonderful natural world to experience and enjoy.  (At this point I mention those things I am experiencing in the moment such as my breathing; the beautiful sky; the flowers, brush, and lichen-covered boulders; the feel of breeze, sun, and shade on my naked body; the sound of birds, flies, distant airplanes, cars, and people.)  I understand that this world is unreal - simply a created simulation – but the detail of this creation is amazing; it has become my Garden of Eden that I love and wouldn’t want to escape.  I manifest (mention those things I need such as financial abundance).  And so it is.”

This naked meditation has made a great difference in my attitude and life!

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