Saturday, April 29, 2017

QUOTES 4/29/2017

“Birthdays are for birthday suits.” – Badger,

“In trying to explain simple non sexual nudity to textile family, friends, acquaintances ... they can't grasp that nudity does not equal sex.  For them, there's nothing else but nudity=sex.  You can explain till your blue in the face.  You can use any and all data, factual experiences and they won't believe you even if it's right in front of them.  I've thrown my hands in the air as well and just said ... ‘it's your problem you don't get it.  I get it, my girls get it, my grandkids get it... that's enough for me.” – FireProf,

“So, if it is protected for a man to walk down the street with his women walking behind dressed in burkas, then is it protected to appear freely undressed?  Here we are 100 years later, another wave of Victorian-like disease, against body freedom, this time with these women's groups in the mix.” – Jbee,

“I drive naked occasionally.  It's an incredible feeling.  But I always take something to cover me quickly and clothes just in case I need them.  I also drive at night and on two lane country roads for the most part.  No one can see in . . . and no one tries anyway.” - Rapidi,

“Be a raw force for change, or a force for change in the raw!” -

“Upon my college graduation, I embarked on the path of semi-self-discovery and adventure . . . I boldly decided I would set all apprehensions aside, and visit my friend at a nudist club . . . As we entered the gates of the nudist camp, a wave of panic came over me as a man greeted us (naked, of course). . . but I began to feel comfortable around naked people. . . After the first few hours, I no longer thought about the fact that people were naked and I understood how easily people could adapt to this lifestyle, if they were open to it.  I also noticed how accepting people were. . . I left the nudist club . . . a little bit wiser and more confident.  I definitely recommend that everyone experience this lifestyle . . . at least once . . .” -

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