Friday, April 14, 2017

QUOTES 4/14/2017

“Naturists are usually very open-minded and accepting.  With all your clothes off, how could you not be?  Unlike a regular beach where people stick to themselves, nude beaches are fabulous for friendly social interaction.  Although we are all very different, being nude shows us that, in many ways, we’re all the same” -

“Kate-Hudson-Loves-to-Be-Naked” (Video) -

“With the summer finally arrived (in the UK) and my wife away for the week (she accepts me being nude at home/garden but disapproves outside our area), I decided to have a fully naked staycation (but working from home).  By fully nude I mean no clothes at all for any reason at any time and not even close by for any unexpected event.  I live in the country so naturally this is much simpler than in a populated area especially since I have a dog to walk 4 times a day.  Some of the dog walking included short sections of the country road including going to the local reservoir for skinny dipping (normally once a day for me and the dog to cool down) - only two cars passed me on the road with no comments or reactions that I could see.  I did cut down on my daily runs and only did them when I got up early (4:30 as they are on the road just 3 miles - never seen anyone at that time).  One day at lunch a car pulled up at my drive as I was doing some gardening there (my garden is private i.e. tall hedge but an open drive way), naturally they saw me but after a slight pause they just asked for directions and all was normal.  The biggest challenge was when my wife phoned to ask if I would go and water her allotment.  Naturally I said yes, but I had to think about how during the day and evening there would be many people there including dog walkers and children, so I decided to go early morning (5am) didn't see anyone and as I was out I took in a 3 mile walk near a ruin as well (didn't see anyone).  I also did a 4-mile cycle ride (at night) with 2 cars passing (again no reaction that I could tell).  Also took the dog in the car to get to do a different walk - 4 miles 8am didn't see anyone.  As its now the end of the week its almost time to start wearing those clothes again we are starting to get short of a few shopping items, but I guess I could have addressed that one with home delivery service.” – JM Nude,

“I love to show people what I’m doing in my life so I take pictures. . . when I’m at a nude beach and I wanna share with my followers what I’m doing, I’ll take a photo.  For me being naked is just as normal as having a coffee when I wake up in the morning.  Sometimes I’m not even realizing I’m naked at all.” – Harmen J. Pordon,

“Being a nudist is such a pleasurable lifestyle.  I was on my way home from Ohio one night and decided to give it [nude driving] a try.  It was night time. the road was not being heavily traveled.  I took off my clothes and kept on driving.  It was wonderful.  I ended up getting close to home and thought okay maybe I'd better get dressed again.  I drive naked any time I get the chance nowadays.” -

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