Thursday, April 11, 2019

QUOTES 4/11/2019

“I enjoyed the sensation of being nude in nature so much that I went back to the beach [Sandy Hook] after my appointments were finished and enjoyed the rest of the day on the much more crowded beach, watching the sun go down before I left.  At no time did I feel uncomfortable being nude in the company of other nude folks. . . I believe that if you approach nudism from the right perspective it is not a sexually charged experience and so there is really nothing to be uncomfortable about.  If you haven't tried it yet, I'd encourage you to give it a try.  Its absolutely amazing. . . my favorite venue is still the beach with its surf and sand!” - Ryan N., Baltimore, Maryland,

Naked Stampede - Skinny Dip - Record Gisborne” Video -

“Organize a life modelling / naked artist event.  It really is the perfect leveller when everyone is dressed the same.” -

“Bare Body Freedom would rid the world of the stigma associated with the bare human body, make us smarter, healthier, more appreciative and respectful of ourselves and each other, and subsequently make the world a better place.” – Ton Dou,

“Do you know it’s actually healthier to be nude? . . . When your skin is exposed it actually helps fight off some fatty tissue which can help lose weight and stay healthy. . . Your skin can also get irritated by wearing clothes. . . So strip down . . . and begin feeling the benefits of being naked.” – Rissa,

“Nudism is about acceptance of self and body exactly as they are.  If you are expecting to find Playboy-perfect and identical naked bodies, you are mistaken.  Instead, if you would like to learn what real human bodies look like, join us.  Each one of us is different.  Intellectually, I had known that the path to peace with one's body was not through perfection but through acceptance.  However, that understanding didn't move below my neck (my intellect) until I stumbled upon nudism.  That is when my gut, my body, my mind and my soul finally got what true acceptance was.  Spend time with naked women with mastectomies and men with missing limbs and you learn that we all carry scars.  Once I started, I couldn’t go back.  For the rest of my life I will watch movies and ad campaigns and laugh at the sheer silliness of the illusion of perfection I used to believe, and the illusion the advertisers and media heads work so hard to perpetuate.  Welcome to your body!  At first, it takes a while to get used to it all, but comfort will come quickly.  Heck, wear a wrap as long as you need to.  It will come off when you are ready.” – Rena,

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