Friday, April 26, 2019

QUOTES 4/26/2019

“Excuses, excuses!  There is nothing stopping you, except yourself.  I had a reluctant start when I met my husband who was already a member of Blackthorns [nudist resort] as I vowed never to go there and told him not to even ask me!  What happened?  Well after deciding it unfair not to even try it I found myself, four months into membership, volunteering to be Public Relations Officer!  I remember thinking at the time, ‘Well if I’m doing it, so can everyone else, particularly the hesitant ones as I know how that feels!’” - Roni Fine,

Encontro de amigos no Clube Naturista Colina do Sol” Video -

“As the plants begin to grow and the weather warms, it doesn't seem like work to go tend and weed the garden nude.  As summer progressed, harvesting of the bounty while dressed with the sun is a great feeling.  Nice to think your vegetables are aunautral.” – sdsuncpl,

“In the present article we report results of the first longitudinal investigation of long-term correlates of exposure to parental nudity . . . 204 families were enlisted during the mid-1970s as part of a multidisciplinary investigation of emergent family life-styles . . . Children were followed from birth to . . . age 17-18. . . . Outcome measures . . . included: (i) self-acceptance; (ii) relations with parents, peers, and other adults; (iii) drug use; (iv) antisocial and criminal behavior; (v) suicidal ideation; (vi) social ‘problems’ (3) associated with sexual behavior (getting pregnant or having gotten someone pregnant, and getting an STD); and (vii) quality of sexual relationships, attitudes, and beliefs. . . To determine extent of exposure to nudity . . . parents were asked two questions in a face-to-face interview . . . ‘Does mother (father) go nude in front of child?’ and ‘Does mother (father) bathe or shower with the child?’ . . . (25%) children were not exposed to any parental nudity, . . (44%) . . . were exposed with moderate frequency, and (31%) . . . were exposed frequently. . . A number of trends were found that were significant at p [less than] 0.05 . . . Exposure to parental nudity predicted lower likelihood of sexual activity in . . . adolescence, but more positive sexual experiences among that group of participants who were sexually active.  Exposure to parental nudity also predicted reduced instances of petty theft and shoplifting . . . exposure to parental nudity was associated . . . with reduced use of drugs . . . Exposure to parental nudity was associated with positive, rather than negative, sexual experiences in adolescence, but with reduced sexual experience overall. . . All findings were independent of the effects of . . . sex of participant, family stability, pathology, ‘pronaturalism,’ and beliefs and attitudes toward sexuality.  aken as a whole then, effects are few, but generally beneficial in nature.  Thus, results of this study add weight to the views of those who have opposed alarmist characterizations of childhood exposure both to nudity and incidental scenes of parental sexuality. . . Why is it so widely believed in the United States and certain European nations that these practices are uniformly detrimental to the mental health of children? . . . Such notions, certainly where exposure to parental nudity is concerned, are perhaps better conceptualized as myths.” - Early childhood exposure to parental nudity and scenes of parental sexuality (‘primal scenes’): an 18-year longitudinal study of outcome, 1998, Paul Okami, Richard Olmstead, Paul R. Abramson, Laura Pendleton, Archives of Sexual Behavior. Volume: 27. Issue: 4

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