Monday, August 29, 2016

QUOTES 8/29/2016

“Yesterday I was hiking naked in a light rain and paused for one of those it's-all-good experiences with a squirrel.  We 'chatted' for the longest time.  I suppose he'd never seen all the parts of a two-legged before - kept running back and forth on the low branch studying me - we were both very comfortable in our skins.  And tonight, I was skinny dipping with a loon diving about 10 yards away.  There we were, both of us sliding quietly through the water in synch with our environment.  That stuff doesn't happen to guys in board shorts.” - Alfresco10

“I like the term ‘freehiking.’  At least for me, it is an apt description of how I feel when I ‘skinnyhike,’ hike nude, go ‘natural hiking,’ etc.  I feel free; free from a lot of things!  It is a wonderful feeling!” - Nkdmn N. Cps

“I feel connected to the natural world around me more when I am nude with nothing standing between me and the environment.  I can throw out some analogies here it's like skinny dipping, like going barefoot all over, etc.  But those quick answers are so incomplete they don't even scratch the surface of the feelings.  For me it is very nearly a religious experience.  I feel closer to my version of The Creator when I am nude in nature.  I am a part of this wonderful world, another being sharing that space with the wild creatures that live there.  I find my senses are more heightened.  I feel and sense things more.  My eyes are keener and my hearing sharper.  I feel the breeze and the rain on my skin, or the sun. I am enveloped by the surrounding nature.  I go out in nature to recharge my batteries, to renew my soul, and to scrub off the layers of crud that living in civilization tends to put on you.  I feel so good after a hike and if I have the opportunity to hike naked the feeling is multiplied.  My skin has had a chance to breathe and perspire in the air, sunlight rejuvenates my cells - my eyes have beheld the wonders of nature.  My memories of these hikes sustain me when I am cooped up in my civilized world.  I savor these memories and look forward to the next hike to rejuvenate my soul.” - NudeAl

“The first written account of a European climbing a mountain merely for pleasure appears to be by Petrarch in 1336.  Why was such an account so long in coming?  Historians . . . have missed the point.  People didn't climb mountains for fun because so few of them thought to do it Nude!” –

“My husband began going nude by not getting dressed after he got out of the shower.  I was more cautious, afraid that the neighbors could see through the windows, though he swears their house is too far away, and if we can't see in their house, how could they see in ours?  Then he began doing some of his yard work in the nude. . . Over the last couple years, our landscape plants have grown and unless the neighbors are standing on the property line, we've got a fair amount of privacy.  I took it by steps, doing my gardening in just a long t-shirt, then a shorter shirt, then doing the mowing in just a t-shirt.  Last year I finally got the courage to remove the t-shirt and now the two of us spend all our at-home time nude. . . Back in late April we had a really warm day and my older daughter brought out a huge plastic swimming pool.  She and her husband were, by that time, aware that we were always naked at home.  She really surprised us when she, her husband, her sister, and both her toddler daughters arrived completely au naturel as well.  The only cloth items they had brought with them were towels! . . . today, our July 4 barbecue will be completely nude.” – PrincessCleo

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