Tuesday, August 30, 2016

QUOTES 8/30/2016

“. . . sleeping in the nude makes it easier to shed dead skin and hair, and replenish your body’s moisturizing oils as you sleep.” – Rebecca Endicott, http://www.littlethings.com/sleeping-naked-benefits/

“Long after that I saw people coming to meet us… some were naked, some robed.  But the naked ones did not seem less adorned, and the robes did not disguise in those who wore them the massive grandeur of muscle and the radiant smoothness of flesh.” - C.S. Lewis ‘The Great Divorce’, https://naturistbeachnorthflorida.wordpress.com/2014/07/28/christianity-and-nudity/

“Social nudity . . . has no connection to sex but it is an excellent way to making friends and getting a feeling of freedom within nature.  Once people of both genders ‘dare to go bare’ most become naturists for the rest of their lives.  Please be warned that skinny dipping can be addictive.” – http://www.morpethherald.co.uk/news/letters/health-the-benefits-of-daring-to-bare-1-7989186

“The way to advance the naturist cause is for naturists to accept nudity themselves. . . there are many naturists who don't accept nudity.  I've just been to the website of a naturist who . . . carefully avoids frontal nudity as if he subscribes to the textile view that showing frontal nudity is indecent! . . .  honest photos of ourselves are important.  They tell others that we have nothing to hide.  They tell others that we mean what we say when we say that nudity is decent and natural. . . it's photos that ultimately led my friends and relatives to understand that there really is nothing immoral or wrong about nudity and naturism. . . most naturist places in the world want to pander to the larger closet nudist crowd and they ban cameras and mobile phones.  Closet nudists have thousands of alternatives where they can indulge in their need for furtive and secret nude activities.  In my view, it's this furtiveness and secrecy that only serves to support the view of the rest of the world that naturists are really up to no good. . . I've shown my friends some of my pics and everyone is amazed at the scenery.  I think I can convert quite a few people to naturism by just showing them the photos.” – T.L. Lim, http://www.naktiv.net/blog/1084/one-small-remark-about-newt-2016/

“There are all sorts of people here, and there are no problems in terms of what you look like, it's a healthy perception of the body.  I met someone yesterday who had died his pubic hair purple as a social experiment to see if anyone would notice, and you know what, no one did.  That just goes to show that people treat each other as people and aren't looking around at someone's naked body.” – Nigel, http://www.somersetlive.co.uk/nudefest-2016-why-aren-t-more-young-people-involved/story-29491368-detail/story.html

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