Friday, September 30, 2016


Tuesday, Sept. 27, 2016, members of NAZ went for their first carnude, a short trip from Prescott Valley, AZ to Jerome (one member also drove from Sedona).  Even though the weather was iffy, we met up on Mingus Mountain and took a pleasant freehike.  Then several members drove down to Jerome and had a nice lunch.  Carnuding is somewhat controversia among naturistsl.  Some equate it to exhibitionism, not realizing that few if any other people will actually see you nude in the car, especially on a winding two-lane road.  Others plan ahead and even turn their car into a traveling naturist resort.  Amy and I have driven hundreds of miles naked, and have never been observed as far as we know.  For sure, free driving makes one drive safely and under the speed limit.  NAZ members have dedicated the forth-week of each month to naturist travel.  This may simply be traveling clothed to a naturist destination, but for comfort, noting beats driving nude.  Everyone should try it.  (Sorry, no photos of this event – the camera failed.)
QUOTES 9/30/2016

“We walked down to the pool for a swim, and a soak in the spa.  One of the dads at the resort, Matt, was playing in the water with four children – baby, three, five, and ten.  It was such fun watching a naked family at play in the water.  The three-year-old was especially fun.  He was so unconsciously natural splashing, looking through the fence, and playing hide-and-seek from his dad.  Mom was also in and around the pool area.” - From my past kenfreehiker blog

“I did take two hikes in La Jolla . . . at Black's Beach. . . Once at the bottom of the trail to Black's I dropped the clothes and started my free hiking.  It is a flat hike, but barefoot in the sand is quite nice.  I hiked north all the way to where the textiles started showing up from the north right neat that metal buoy that is on the beach. . . about a mile or so in each direction, so a good two miles nude hiking each day.  Wearing only my shorts on the hill it was a lovely two days.  I spent an extra hour in the sun each day.” – Nekkid Couple

“. . . we flew to bustling Sao Paulo [Brazil] and met up with . . . friends.  Together we went down to a wonderful beach on Fortaleza Bay . . . Since we were with non-naturist friends, I feared that I would not have any opportunity for naturism, but one afternoon I was the only one interested in taking a hike along the forested coastline, and my opportunity materialized.  As soon as I hit the trail . . . I took my clothes off. . . I arrived at . . . a beautiful deserted sandy beach backed by mountains and forest.  There was one couple already there (topless, I think), so I put on my shorts to walk past them.  At the far end of the beach I continued nude up the trail which rises to the crest of the peninsula before descending on the other side to a small fishing village.  At the crest I turned around and walked back . . . I had the entire beach to myself.  After a relaxed swim, I hiked nude all the way back.  Along the way I took a side trail that led to some big rocks by the water that, when not in use by fishermen, would be great for all-over tanning.  All in all I got to spend about three hours nude that afternoon. . . Continuing north . . . we arrived at . . . Ibitipoca State Park. . . The centerpiece of the park is a one-sided canyon with a fast-flowing stream making numerous waterfalls, and even cutting through the wall at one point to make a tunnel under a natural bridge. . . Since no one else was there, I stripped down as soon as I got out of sight of the snack bar at the top.  I freehiked and skinny-dipped all day, exploring falls, pools, overlooks and caves in the park, dressing only on the few occasions where I was directly within sight of the snack bar. . . we spent one final day . . . Good Hope Farm . . . On the property of the Fazenda are four major waterfalls on a perfectly clear, fast-flowing stream.  We were the only guests, so I was able to enjoy all the trails and the swimming holes as nature intended.  It was a perfect ending to a satisfying naturist adventure.” - Milt

“My first time going out nude was hiking . . . I spent my longest hike nude last spring hiking in the mountains for five hours.  I did not want it to end!  I could have stayed all day.  The liberating feeling of the air on my skin and the sun touching my whole body was exhilarating.” - shysidun

“Christmas day and the weekend following were sunny.  Park Forestia's position here on Tiger Mountain receives sun all day long.  The arc of cabins at the top of the hill, where I live, gets some excellent sun too.  In fact, on the Xmas weekend, I was out there taking advantage of the 40-degree weather and full sun warmth without any clothes on.  I was doing some vigorous work, engaging in my apparent obsession - pulling ivy.  After several hours of that I was sore but perhaps a teensy bit more tan.” - Cynde Moya

Thursday, September 29, 2016

QUOTES 9/29/2016

“There’s nothing worse than sitting in a lounger wearing a soggy wet diaper!  For me the best part of nude swimming is getting out of the pool and lying down on your lounger with nothing between you and the hot sun but beads of water.  Clothing and water do not mix period.” – My Dogs White,

“Naked body, naked gifts.  Simplify.” – Natasha Pearl Hansen,

“I think nudist club photography policies are outdated and should change. . . there’s an alternative policy that works better for everyone, and it’s simple: Don’t take photos of other people without their consent.  Most people are capable of understanding and following this rule.  And if they don’t?  The club takes action. . . I know this consent-based photo rule can work because I know at least one club that uses it and has used it for many years: Rock Lodge Club in New Jersey.  Do they still get a visitor once in a while who breaks the photo rule?  Of course, and they deal with it appropriately and swiftly.  But I’m betting this does not occur any more frequently than it does at clubs with the supervision rule. . . There are events such as the big Super Bowl volleyball tournament at White Thorn Lodge where no photography is allowed. . .This week-long tournament is one of the biggest naturist events in the U.S. with hundreds of people and yet . . . The opportunity to generate more interest, reach more people and get so many new individuals excited about attending these events is lost. . . . It could make a huge difference for people to be able to take their own photos and share them as the event is happening or later on. . . it should go without saying that online photo-sharing is great promotion for nudist clubs as well.  I know people want their privacy. . . not wanting your photo taken doesn’t mean you’re ashamed to be a nudist.  Maybe . . . you don’t want any photos taken without your express consent. . . everyone has a different comfort level and everyone’s privacy should be and needs to be respected.  But with a focus on consent and common sense, I also think we can ensure photo privacy in a much more reasonable and logical way.  There is a better middle ground between ‘NO PHOTOS EVER’ and a picture free-for-all. . . I think it’s time we start to move beyond the overly-cautious, paranoid approach of the 20th century and allow nudism to be more easily documented in the digital age.  We can emphasize privacy, respect and consent while still letting people have fun and without turning nudism into a secret, hidden activity.” – Felicity Jones,

“I had always been a backyard nudist, so the big step for me was deciding to be nude in front of others outside my immediate family.  What did it for me was tennis.  Most nudist parks have tennis courts, and on my first visit to one of the parks I found myself courtside, watching what seemed strange at first glance: people playing tennis but wearing only their tennis shoes and a hat.  Soon, I found myself in an easy conversation with others who were also watching.  It seemed only a nanosecond later that I found myself invited into a doubles match wearing the same sun clad outfit as the others.  It was an awesome feeling!  Later that day, I discovered the park had a tennis pro who gave lessons on Wednesdays, so I arranged my work schedule to always get Wednesday off, in order to spend a naked day up at the park improving my game.  I became so devoted to the schedule that a few years later I refused a job promotion because I would not be able to get my normal Wednesdays off.! – Lesley,

“Nudism is for anyone and everyone no matter what . . . Nudism is for all of humanity.  It is humanity’s oldest and most enduring fashion.  The skin is beautiful and natural.  We were all born in a skin and our bodies are with us for life. . . Nudism is for all – from newborns to 100+ year-olds.  There are nudist babies, older children, teenagers, young adults, mature adults, and older adults. . . There are nudist Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, other religions, agnostics and atheists.  There are nudists of every skin color.  There are nudists of so many races.  There are nudists with disabilities . . . There are nudist heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals, transgender people, and asexuals.  There are nudist singles, married (including remarried), divorced, separated, and widowed people.  There are nudist families, friends, couples, and singles. . . There are nudist siblings, parents, spouses, grandparents, great-grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, great-great-grandparents, and in-laws. . . And there are also nudist ancestors above great-great-grandparents . . . We have nudist stepfamily members, which includes stepparents, stepchildren, stepsiblings, and extended stepfamily members.  There are nudist half siblings.  There are nudist adopted family members.  There are nudist godparents and godchildren. . . There are nudists with chronic illnesses.  There are nudist immigrants.  There are nudists of different likes and dislikes.  There are nudists whose bodies work differently like in being sensitive to the cold or being sleepy.  There are nudists of all education levels.  There are nudists of different jobs and professions. . . students, teachers, babysitters, construction workers, engineers, firefighters, doctors, nurses, detectives, security guards, police officers, lawmakers, lawyers, judges, politicians, celebrities, singers, musicians, butchers, chefs, store managers, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, sweepers, inventors, scientists, priests, bartenders, journalists, taxi drivers, pilots, train conductors, famous and unknown people, activists, archivists, statisticians, athletes, and artists. . . The list goes on and on.  There are nudists of all shapes and sizes, and all are welcome.  The excellent thing is, everyone no matter their body shape or size is accepted in nudism!  Nudism is for all ages and walks of life. . . Naturism (nudism) is for all. . . That’s the beauty of nudism!” – randomfactsgeekjga,

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

QUOTES 9/28/2016

“I had an interesting encounter this morning while putting the rubbish and recycling out naked.  A car came along from the right while I was opening the gate so I stood close to the right hand pillar as usual so that my nakedness was out of line-of-sight to the driver as they passed.  However, the car stopped at my gate and a lady got and out holding a sheet of paper and came over to ask the way to a local farm.  Unfortunately, she had very little English and it took me some time to get her to understand the simple instructions but eventually she did seem to understand and I was able to finish the job in peace.  There was no problem apart from the language barrier.” – JohnGw,;topicseen

“Remember, clothing is of the Devil, from when Eve was tempted in the Garden to eat of the forbidden fruit.  In the Garden, Allah asked Adam, ‘Who told you that you are naked?’  And Adam sayeth unto Him, ‘It was the Serpent,’ who was the Devil.  So do not hide your daughters or your wives or your sons neither; you shame them and make them as things, to be lusted after; for that which is hidden is desired.  To be ashamed of what Allah hath wrought is blasphemy.  Be modest, rather, in your actions, and in your words.  Be kind and compassionate and tolerant of others.  Be Merciful as Allah is Merciful.” – Nick Alimonos,

“Have you ever thought about why you enjoy being a nudist or naturist so much?  If so, you probably used terms like a ‘sense of freedom,’ ‘pleasure,’ "relaxation,’ and ‘self-acceptance.’  Or, you may have thought of naturism as a safe, natural and healthy environment for children.  It could be the welcoming atmosphere no matter which club or beach you visit or the friendly, supportive, and caring friends you have met.  You probably can think of many more reasons.  Surely you have wished that everyone could feel the same as you and that you could say without reservation ‘Hey world, I'm a nudist!’ . . . coming out as a nudist or naturist may make you feel vulnerable because you are sharing personal information or feelings with others without truly knowing how they will react.  Many naturists keep their nude activities secret from their parents, children, other relatives and even friends.  They often worry that someone will accidentally find out, or that people will ask about the ‘camp’ they go to on weekends, ask to be invited or say they want to come along on one of the next trips.  Unfortunately, when you can't be totally honest, you find yourself lying, making excuses or being forced to tell the truth under very unfavorable circumstances.  This is not only stressful but also harmful to relationships, especially if the other party finds out and recognizes your lack of trust in them.  In addition, keeping your nudism a secret gives the appearance of an admission of guilt: ‘Why else wouldn't you have told me?’  Most agree it would be far more beneficial if naturists could discuss their mode of living openly and without fear of repercussion. . . As each person publicly discloses his or her nudism, it begins to create a more positive opinion among non-nudists.  Friends, relatives and colleagues will now realize they know someone who both practices naturism but is also the very same person they may have known for years and have come to admire, respect or love.  Additionally, as nudism becomes a more understood and acceptable mode of living, it helps to alter the archaic restrictive rules that governments and societies have foisted upon the nudist community.  In turn, it ultimately leads to a more safe, secure and nonjudgmental existence for all of us who enjoy the right to be clothes-free in appropriate places. . . Although it may seem counter-intuitive, most of us are much safer out in the open than living with a secret.  Often, individuals whose nudism has been disclosed without their permission recognize too late that being secretive has given their opponent total control of how their way of life was revealed.  You can begin the sharing process by asking yourself, Why am I a nudist?  It's amazing how many people can't answer that question!  Just think about it, write it all down and then edit it into a 30-second elevator speech that you are prepared to give should the situation arise.” – Ronna E. Krozy,

“I also think naked yoga could help women . . . There’s so much more pressure on them about body image, being naked in a safe space could be a healthy way to find comfort in their bodies.” – Sterling Taylor,

“…sometimes pants are a pain and shirts are a mess and life’s just a lot better when you’re completely undressed.” – Felicity Jones,

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

QUOTES 9/27/2016

“We were born naked and should stay that way.  There is nothing shameful or dirty about the human body.  In fact, it is clothing which causes sexual perversion; humans are always tempted by that which is hidden.  Clothing suffocates and weakens the body which needs to breathe and absorb sunlight in order to function properly.  The chemicals and detergents used to make and clean our clothes are detrimental to our health.  Nakedness is natural.” -

“I am comfortable being naked.  I attribute this to my mother, who thinks it necessary to be fully clothed in a domestic setting only if male visitors are due to arrive.  She will cheerfully answer the door to her girlfriends . . . All of which makes her sound like some kind of free-love, earth-goddess hippy.  She isn’t.  She’s one of that breed of practical, commonsensical Irish farm women who thinks squeamishness about bodies is nonsense.  Sure, don’t we all have bits?” – Emer O’Toole,

Bare-chested at Assateague Nov 2015 (Video) -

“All women need to wear sports bras for breast health or physical comfort?  No type of bra is a necessity for breast health and wearing a sports bra is an individual’s choice.  Some women may experience pain while running or engaged in a lot of movement without a bra, while others may not.  This pain can be a result of someone always having worn a bra and this pain could dissipate as the body adjusts.  Other women wear a sports bra because they want to restrict their breasts’ movement during physical activity.  Perhaps naturist settings offer the best proof that sports bras ae not an absolute necessity for women.  While some naturists do wear them, there are also plenty of women, of all breast sizes, who participate in sports or other physical activity while braless and with no discomfort at all.” – Felicity Jones,

“Some people may cringe at the thought of going nude outside of the bathroom, let alone in the great outdoors.  So what’s the attraction?  To be totally honest I have trouble describing it myself.  I've been doing it so long that I kind of take it for granted, and feel weird if I bushwalk clothed.  My wife summed it up nicely when I took her for her first nude walk. ‘This feels amazing… I can understand why you rave so much about being nude in the outdoors, the feeling of the breeze and sunlight all over your body, just feels so nice.’ . . . It can be a lot more comfortable than walking clothed.” – Michael Connolly,

Monday, September 26, 2016

QUOTES 9/26/2016

“Last Saturday was the first time . . . I drove completely naked.  The trip went from home to my naturist swimming lake.  That is about 40 kilometers.  The ride was through villages and a small town.  I am . . . proud that I had the courage to do it.  There was not any problem.  I drove in the morning.  I had the feeling of inner freedom. . . dump a towel next to you, so you can cover the most important thing of you, if you must do it!  I will drive again!” – Purnatur

“Research shows that the beauty ideal represented in the images in your magazines is detrimental to our health.  It perpetuates low self- confidence, depression, anxiety, over-spending and eating disorders.” - Erin Treloar,

“To our knowledge, while there may be secret little coves suitable for nude sunbathing all over the [Hawaiian] islands, Kehena on the big island, and Little Beach on Maui are about the only two places where you can confidently drop your clothes and know you won’t be the only one naked on the beach.” -

“Normalizing female bare-chestedness means reducing the psychological and emotional reaction people have when seeing the female breast.  My life goal for topfreedom is to normalize bare-chestedness to the point where women can comfortably go bare-chested at family picnics and pool parties as easily as men can if they so choose.  Realistically, that is probably decades away in places and will be a generational process.  All normalization is.  Bare-chested men created a stir at first too, but as people became accustomed to seeing the male chest, its effect has fallen to nil.  In order for that process to occur with female bare-chestedness, at least some women will have to go bare-chested in public on a regular basis.  But it is important that the choice to go bare-chested rest with the woman herself, and that she does so when and only when she is ready and willing to do so.” -

“My newest neighbors moved in on the next property to me and I just went over, introduced myself, told them I was a Naturist . . . We all had a hoot-they didn't care and the husband . . . really enjoyed the freedom it gave him and his wife loved seeing him . . . too.” – TherianThot,

Sunday, September 25, 2016

QUOTES 9/25/2016

“[I’ve freehiked] . . . at least twice a month for over a decade. . . We hike in 'State Trust Land' in the north part of Phoenix. . . Our 'secret place' is a 2600-acre island of lush desert, with the occasional hiker/ATV/mtn bike/equestrian.  On 90% of the hikes we see nobody else the whole time.  If we do, it's usually while they're far off, and we can step behind a bush, and perhaps slip on a long t-shirt as a cover up.  There are hundreds of these places around the state, but this one is minutes from the house, and has convenient and safe parking. . . I usually hike with one or two friends.” - Desertsax

“I was in Yosemite National Park a few Springs ago . . . a beautiful day, sunny and looking to get warm . . . by the time I got to the top of the falls it was mid-morning and I reckoned this was about the place that most tourists stop, take their pics and head back for home. . . I wondered if I dared risk taking off my clothes. . . But I hadn't seen anyone for a while so I reckoned I should just give it a go.  No sooner had I got my clothes off then I heard steps behind me.  A woman with her young daughter were walking up the path behind me . . . I got the shock of my life but did my best to keep my cool and told them I hoped I hadn't startled them.  She . . . suggested . . . that my clothes might have got soaked in the spray of the waterfall on the way up. . . She even said they had taken their own clothes off through that part . . . Then off they went. . . I can't have been going for more than a few minutes when I heard someone else behind me!  No time to cover up, so I turned to brazen it out.  It was a female park ranger!  Now I was really busted!  But she wished me good morning with nothing more than a smile... and a warning that she was about to meet a bunch of teenagers waiting round the next bend and I might want to cover up. . . from that point on, for the next five or six hours, I walked up and back along the valley trail, completely nude, without meeting a single person. . . I'm very grateful to the two women I bumped into for being so chilled and not scaring me out of my first proper hike!” - Greystoke

“. . . my friends have asked me why I hike naked and how I came upon it.  At this time of year, the question gets around to why I am crazy enough to continue through much of the winter, and in the snow.  My short reply to all of them is that I have found a way to combine two of my passions, naturism, and outdoor active personal sports.  I have since discovered that in this case, the boost to my spirits and other benefits to my life are truly greater than the sum of the parts.  I have found hiking naked to be an effective deterrent to my seasonal bouts of depression.  Every season has its own special pleasures. . . Another answer that I have come up with to explain hiking naked to people who have skinny dipped before . . . is to think of hiking naked as skinny dipping, not in the water, but in the breeze.  There are few experiences that match the cleansing that occurs when one has an opportunity to peel off all of the layers of civilization, leave most or all of it behind for awhile, and play in the sun, moon, dirt, wind, and rain as we did as kids and as our creator intended. . . I feel blessed to have been allowed to experience in person, a special place of beauty and peace in my life.” - Dan

“I have experienced being in the moment many times in my life.  I started practicing Zen meditation a long time ago and I consider it to be one of the true gifts that I have received in my life. . . one of the things that I discovered when I resumed hiking naked, is the ease of sliding into that magical zone of existence while hiking naked. . . there is a strong link between naturism and the meditative practice of living in the moment. . . Being naked may be a powerful shortcut to that uncluttered state of mindfulness.” – FreewalkerMA

“. . . there is a resort near Jacumba, CA that is clothing optional. . . I parked my car and with shoes a walking stick and water bottle headed up into the hills above the resort and out into the desert.  The area consists of a granite batholith that is slowly eroding leaving endless rolling hills of rounded granite boulders.  The shapes and configurations are amazing.  The colors range from light tan to reddish stone and every turn reveals a new panorama. . . The trail system is a mixture of footpaths, old jeep trails and dry sandy washes that cut into the granite creating a meandering path through the oddly shaped rock creatures.  They are so unique that they do seem to possess some personality. . . Walking nude so far from my clothes felt wonderful.  I soaked in the sun and breeze totally.  I wandered on for another hour or so . . . I found myself in a flat sand wash area with cactus and sage and was drawn to a small granite outcropping in the middle of a huge flood wash.  The boulders were stacked about 50 feet high.  I noticed a sign describing the area as part of an Indian settlement . . . I didn't stay long and decided to make this the end point of my hike and return.  On my return I was walking toward the sun mindfully breathing and walking feeling the sun sensing all with my body and mentally at peace and in a semi trance when my reverie was interrupted by a raven sitting in a Yucca plant not ten feet from me.  I stopped and then he noticed me, squawked and flew away. . . The nice thing about returning from a nude hike to this resort is that there is a nice indoor pool to swim in and an outdoor hot tube to soak away any muscle strain from the hike.” - Jay

Friday, September 23, 2016

QUOTES 9/23/2016

“There’s just something about people leaving their fabulous cars and taking off their expensive watches.  Everybody is just on that same level and you’re meeting somebody for who they actually are.” – Nikki,

“Clothes are very often designed to show off and emphasize certain aspects of male and female physiques and usually the more sexual aspects - breasts, backsides, etc.  When you're nude you have no help - you are just you.  Being nude with others can often be a totally asexual experience - one reason while it feels so great - there's no stress or pressure to look good!” – Krause,

“Almost every time I've hiked in the nude I've encountered textiles on the trails, no other nudes yet though. . . It’s been everything from couples, to families, to groups.  I usually have a backpack on and a towel slung over my shoulder, I just pull it in front of me when others approach.  I've received no negative reactions so far, one or two have acted mildly surprised and a few wives have tried for a better look, but that's about it.  I'm actually making some freehiking ahead signs to drop at the trailhead whenever I go out just to give people a heads up.” – Harty,

“I had learned of a nude event at a nearby gym. . . sponsored by a local nudist club which rented the facility for an evening once a month or so.  I . . . determined to go to the event having always been intrigued by nudism but never trying it.  I was as nervous as I could get worrying about how I'd ‘respond’ but I was committed.  I drove over to the health club that Saturday evening and sat in the car just eyeing the place for a good 10 minutes.  I was not about to chicken out.  I went in, paid my admission fee and headed for the locker room.  I quickly figured out that everything was co-ed.  There was a couple in the men's locker room and they were naked. . . I just stripped as quickly as I could. . . I took a quick dip in the pool and then went to the sauna and hot tub.  I was feeling very comfortable nude.  This was great. . . Everyone was so friendly and open.  I got involved in the volleyball game.  Here I was playing co-ed naked volleyball.  I was totally hooked.” - George E,

“I love maintaining our landscaping and ALWAYS do it nude, in the backyard. . . Our neighbors next door across the street have seen me naked out back doing yard work.  The next door neighbor waved and smiled.  The neighbor across the street has only casually mentioned it to me in conversation ... like ... I think people should do what they want in their backyards and if people don't like what they see ... they shouldn't look!  Another time she said ... I bet you have to really be careful when trimming that palm in the back yard. . . She's a real nice younger lady with a late teen daughter.  I thought she might be a little intolerant about my nudity but obviously not.” – AndyDi,

Thursday, September 22, 2016

QUOTES 9/22/2016

“Every home should be nude-friendly. . . We can agree to ban clothes starting at home.  As soon as we get home from work or school as weather permits, why not forget about clothes for a while?  This means clothing-optional rules in the home.  What happens when someone knocks the door or rings the doorbell to come in?  What if there are guests and even have a sleepover?  Will they be okay with seeing us naked?  At least certain clothes should be banned at home. . . If clothes are banned in a home, there should be agreement between the residents of the home and their acquaintances and others who knock the door on them. . . Banning clothes in a home can lead to a better home and more quality time with the people we live with.  If it becomes a rule in more and more homes, we can then progress to advance it to other places.” -

“Do something nude you’ve never done before.  Push the limits and never hold back.  We’re active naturists.  No sitting around the pool or playing shuffleboard for us. . . Being active and nude isn’t crazy.  It’s how we were meant to live.  It’s the ultimate natural way. . . Nudism and naturism can be an adventure in and of itself, but it is enriched when combined with our daily lives.” -

“For girls especially, there is so much pressure in our society to be a perfect size.  As a result, there is a whole generation of people killing themselves to meet a standard that is impossible.  Part of living a naturist lifestyle is accepting your body and regaining a normal body image.” - Nicky Hoffman,

“. . . the United States and Europe went from a mostly outdoors agrarian society to a mostly indoors manufacturing one.  Then people started driving around in vehicles surrounded by windows.  Glass prevents any vitamin D production because it blocks the Sun's UV.  When air-conditioning became widely available starting in the late 1950s and then got cheaper in the 1970s, people stopped keeping their windows open.  Fixed-pane units became increasingly popular.  The only sunlight that reached us in our homes and workplaces came through UV-stopping glass.  The last straw was sunblock.  It did not even exist until thirty years ago.  The initial UV-reducing creams, which cut exposure only in half, were marketed in the 1950s to promote tanning, not totally screen out ultraviolet rays.  Then, in the 1980s, a new product came on the market: sunblock.  With SPF (sun protection factor) numbers such as 30 and 45, sunblock essentially stops the body's vitamin D production cold.  At the same time, people were advised to cover themselves with these lotions throughout the summer months.  Even the medical establishment urged hiding from the Sun as a way to counter skin cancer.  The metamorphosis was complete: we had become like the Morlocks in H. G. Wells's book The Time Machine, shielded almost totally from sunlight's UV.” - Bob Berman,

“Since we're nudists, some of the process of documenting high points in our lives means snapping a picture or two of us wearing nothing at all. . . . we do have some tasteful pictures of us in our natural state... and a few of those adorn shelves or walls in our homes.  Visitors will think what they will.” – Bare Platypus,

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

QUOTES 9/21/2016

“I never thought my parents would be okay with my nudity until I asked. . . Sometimes the direct approach is the best. . . our nudity around family, friends, or whomever, should be as normal as clothing; and therefore, shouldn’t be treated any differently. . . Despite this assurance, being nude around people who are not nudists will still be weird at first.  There will be jokes and teasing, but this is mostly to test our resolve or allow them to come to terms with it themselves. . . People sometimes agree to something they think they’ll be comfortable with but discover they are not.  This is okay too.  If someone changes their mind, talk with them.  It may mean not being nude around them, but it shouldn’t lower their feelings towards you or their willingness to support you.  On the flip side, if you feel uncomfortable being nude around others, then don’t force it.  It will only sour the joy of nudity. . . In the end and above all, have fun.  Remember to laugh and remain true to yourself.  That is the most we can ask from life.” -

“I am amazed at what is possible in our modern western world when it comes to being nude in public spaces.  The recent ‘Sea of Hull’ living art installation is one that has captured my attention.  The ability to bring together thousands of adults, both men and women, to create these scenes in many different countries around the world is astonishing.”

“If everyone took their clothes off while they mowed the lawn, in twenty minutes no one would take a second look.  If the nude person was as ugly as I am, no one would take a first look.” – Gene Logsdon,

“There is much anecdotal evidence that Naturism leads to improved body-image, body-knowledge and body-attitudes in general.  Preliminary results from current research are showing statistically significant correlations and indicating that more open body attitudes are the cause of better outcomes.  Conversely there is no evidence that nudity, either their own or other people's, causes harm to anyone of any age. . . The opinion of those who have actually seen the reaction of children to nudity is remarkably consistent.  Nudity is only an issue if an adult makes it into one and making it into an issue can cause harm.” -

“I like to work naked . . . as the wife becomes more used to being naked in the garden she’s not worrying about people glimpsing me so much . . .Ric,;topicseen

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

QUOTES 9/20/2016

“Since the weather turned south back in November here in Prague, I have hosted two naked home parties at my flat and both were a great success.  As with last year, these are billed as ‘movie’ nights.  It's more about socializing than anything else but everyone has enjoyed themselves.  We watch a new release and then just hang out and chat afterwards.  No one has been in a real hurry to leave as, aside from the weekly nude swims, it is the only time we all have to be naked.” - Roger

“I spent two days hiking nude in a California State Park.  The only person I saw was a ranger that drove by on a back road; he just waved and kept going. . . A nude hike to a backcountry lake for a swim is the only way to go!” – Anonymous

“When I told [my parents I was a nudist] I had a giant lump in my throat but I got over that pretty fast.  I still get a fright when they just walk in but I'm slowly getting used to it. . . Anyway long story short they laughed but said they didn't care what I did in my room.  So that's awesome.” – Nudezealand

"From my earliest memories I have wanted to be nude.  Never knew I was a nudist until my first social nude experience.  I was born a nudist.  It is part of who I am." – Armadillo

“(There are) certain realities in life, we only see through eyes that are cleansed with our tears.” – Pope Francis

Monday, September 19, 2016

QUOTES 9/19/2016

“As far as I can remember, I've always slept in the nude. When I was 19, I got my own apartment, it didn't take very long for me to get lazy and not get dressed when I got up. So nude I stay until time to leave. I got so used to it that I striped down as soon as I walked back in. At the age of 28 I meet my wife. We spent lots of time together naked . . . I can now be nude around our home all I want, keeping a housecoat close by case one of the kids or anybody shows up unexpected.” - OilcanJack

"I try to drive naked as often as I can in the warm weather.  Living in New England the seasons do limit you somewhat.  But when I do drive naked I have found that no one really even looks at you for the most part.  I don't think people can see you inside.  I have a smaller SUV, but there are many more vehicles higher than mine, especially big trucks.  It's a great feeling of freedom." – Dalancino

"I'm naked in our backyard about 99% of the time.  The other 1% - textile parties and gatherings.  Our neighbors have seen us several times and because of that I don't cover, run for cover, or come up with one liners either.  They've looked over the fence, seen us completely nude, full frontal and smiled and waved.  I don't think they'll join us but at least they are accepting or tolerant." - FP

“Haven't done any significant night nude hiking myself, but did observe some a few years ago. Three of us had done the Half Dome hike in Yosemite National Park in August. Coming down one of our party had physical problems. I stayed with him, and we moved slowly along as he was able while the third person when ahead for help. The result of all that was that we didn't get out to the road until 2:00 a.m. We were about half a mile from the road, dog tired and moving even slower, when we heard hikers coming up behind us at a brisk pace. As they passed us we saw it was two couples, all of them nude except for boots and backpacks. After they moved ahead I said, 'I wasn't expecting to see that.' My sick friend responded, 'You never know when you'll see bares in Yosemite.' It was a warm night, and hiking nude must have felt great.” – Luvnaturism

“Benjamin Franklin was in the habit of taking air baths each morning in his room.  He made some efforts to induce others to adopt the practice and speaks highly of the benefits he derived therefrom.  Franklin particularly desired to divest himself of all clothing when doing mental work. . . The real question is - how many famous people are or were naturists without the general public becoming aware?” - Herbet M. Shelton.  The list of people who appreciate nudity and even practice naturism is nearly endless.  Consider these famous people: Alan Graham MacDiarmid (Nobel Laureate Research Chemist), Alanis Morissette (Singer), Alexander Graham Bell (Inventor), Alicia Silverstone (Actor), Amy Grant (Singer), Barry Goldwater (Senator), Barry Manilow (Singer), Benjamin Franklin (Inventor/Politician), Benjamin Roston (Mine Detector Inventor), Bettie Page (Model), Betty White (Actress), Bev Killick (Actor), Billy Graham (Evangelist), Bismarck (1st German Chancellor), Bob Crane (Actor), Brad Pitt (Actor), Brian Giles (Major League Baseball Player), Brigitte Bardot (Actor), Bridget Fonda (Actor), Britney Spears (Actor), Bruce Willis (Actor), Calvin Coolidge (President), Carmenza Gomez (Actor), Catalina Sandino Moreno (Actor), Catherine Zeta Jones (Actor), Charles F. Richter (Earthquake Measuring System Inventor), Charlize Theron (Actor), Chelsea Handler (Model), Cher (Singer/Actor), Christina Aguilera (Singer), Christy Brinkley (Model), Claudia Schiffer (Actor), Daniel Radcliff (Actor - Harry Potter), Danny deVito (Actor), Daryl Hannah (Actor), David Duchovny (Actor), David Ginola (French Spurs Soccer Star), Demi Moore (Actor), Dolly Parton (Singer/Actor), Donna Summer (Singer), Drew Barrymore (Actor). Tired yet? Here are more people who appreciate nudity: Edgar Rice Burrows (Author), Edward Kennedy (Senator), Edward the 8th (King of England), Eliza Dushku (Actor), Elle McPherson (Model), Erica Durance (TV Actor – Smallville), Erica Jong (Actor), Ernest Hemmingway (Writer), Erykah Badu (Singer), Eugene O'Neill (Writer), Eva Mendes (Actor), Ewan McGregor (Actor), Framke Janssen (Actor), Fred Rogers (TV Actor - Mister Rogers' Neighborhood), Gabrielle Reece (Model), Gary Merrill (Actor), George Bernard Shaw (Playwright), George Orwell (Writer), Gerald Ford (President), Geraldo Rivera (News Reporter), Gilda Radner (Comedian/Actor), Goethe (Philosopher/Scientist), Gwyneth Paltrow (Actor), Halle Berry (Actor), Hanna Teter (US Olympian), Hayden Panettiere (Actor), Heidi Klum (Model), Helen Mirren (Actor), Helena Christensen (Model), Henry David Thoreau (Author), Hilary Swank (Actress), Isadora Duncan (Dancer). And here are more: Jack Nicholson (Actor), Jackie Kennedy Onassis (First Lady), Jennifer Hawkins (Model), Jerry Seinfeld (Comedian/TV Star), Jim Carrey (Actor), Jimmy Buffett (Singer), Jennifer Aniston (TV Actor), Jennifer Lopez (Actor), Jennifer Love Hewitt (Actor), Jenny McCarthy (Actor), Joanna Krupa (Model), John Adams (President), John Barrowman (Actor - Dr. Who), John D. MacArthur (Billionaire Insurance Man), John F. Kennedy (President), John Lennon (Singer), Josh Duhamel (Actor), Julianne Moore (Actor), Justin Timberlake (Actor), Kahlil Gibran (Writer), Karlie Kloss (Model), Kate Hudson (Actor), Kate Humble (Actor), Kate Winslet (Actor), Katherine Hepburn (Actor), Keira Knightley (Model), Kelly Clarkson (Singer), Kevin Bacon (Actor), Kyra Sedgwick (Actor), Lenard Nimoy (Actor – Spock), Leona Lewis (Singer), Lily Allen (Actor), Linda Hamilton (Actor), Lindsay Lohan (Actor), Lison Brie (Actor - Mad Men), Lizzy Caplan (Actor), Lynda Bellingham (Actor), Lyndon Johnson (President), Lynn Redgrave (Actor), Macy Gray (Singer), Madonna (Singer/Actor), Marcus Graham (Actor), Mark Twain (Author), Malin Akerman (Actor), Mary-Kate Olson (Actor), Matt Millen (Raiders Football Player), Matthew Fox (Actor), Matthew McConaughey (Actor), Megan Mullally (Actor), Michelangelo (Artist), Mischa Barton (Actor), Natalie Portman (Actor), Nick Offerman (Actor). Getting the idea? Many famous people appreciate nudity. Here are more: Olga Korbut (Gymnast), Olga Kurylenko (Actor), Padma Lakshmi (Actor), Pink (Singer), PJ Harvey (Singer), Rihanna (Singer), Richard Hatch (Writer), Rinko Kikuchi (Actor), Robbie Williams (Actor), Robert Broom (Scottish Paleontologist), Robert Heinlein (Writer), Robert McNamara (World Bank President, former U.S. Defense Secretary), Roger Baldwin (American Civil Liberties Union Founder), Rosario Dawson (Actor - Sin City), Ross Allen (Actor), Scott Brown (Politician), Sean Connery (Actor), Shakira (Singer), Sienna Miller (Actor), Sir Ian McKellen (Actor), Sophie Monk (Actor), Suzanne McNaughton (Opera Star), Theodore Roosevelt (President), Thomas Eakins (Painter), Uma Thurman (Actor), Ursula Andress (Actor), Walt Disney (Businessman), Walt Whitman (Poet), Will Young (Singer/Actor), Winston Churchill (Prime Minister of England), Woody Guthrie (Singer), Woody Harrelson (Actor), President Theodore Roosevelt.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

QUOTES 9/18/2016

“Sunbathing can help prevent more than 25 chronic diseases and save billions . . . evidence suggests that a deep tan, particularly in childhood and adolescent years, protects against melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer; and further evidence suggests that sunbathing, even when it causes sunburn, protects against diseases such as multiple sclerosis and prostate cancer.  So tanning should properly be seen as a sign of health, as indeed it is by most members of the public, although care should be taken to avoid burning.” – Health Research Forum

“Indeed, walking in the woods, surrounded by all of God’s GREAT handiwork - the sights, smells and sensations, precisely as God created us to do (‘naked and unashamed’) is a phenomenal experience.  I have come across all sorts of animals.  I noticed that when I am dressed, the deer run and scatter as soon as they see me.  However, when I have been undressed, they have come almost right up to me.  In fact, they were so close, I was uncomfortable and actually had to chase them away.  It kind of gave me a sense of what Adam and Eve may have felt in the Garden, where man was not yet a threat - or a meal.” - Natman

“Is Freehiking strictly a male pastime?  I was part of a non-landed club that had about a 60/40 mix of men to women and they did go on hikes especially to natural hot springs, etc.  I just think that men are more outdoors oriented and due to that there are more who are into freehiking.  However, I have also found that if you are a member of an outdoors type club something like the Sierra Club or another eco friendly group and you are visiting a hot springs most of the members prefer to soak sans clothing. I think that would be a likely group to interest in freehiking.” - NudeAl

“Nothing beats the freedom of walking naked in the open air, unencumbered by the restrictive grip of clothing.  Nothing.  Not even gravity.  I felt like a kid again.” – Tracy Issacs

“. . . we are 99.9% home nudists as well as; social nudists, driving nude nudists, backyard nudists, chore nudists, vacationing nudists...the list is endless.  It's such second nature and so much a part of our lives that...the Prof is sick and has been for the last couple days but...when she got home from work, today, she immediately stripped off her clothes to be comfortable...even when not feeling well.  I had the window washer guy here this morning and wore a pair of shorts while he was in the house...but when he went outside...I took them off and just cracked the door when he was done to hand him the check.  I couldn't stand wearing clothes any longer in our home!” - FireProf 

Saturday, September 17, 2016

QUOTES 9/17/2016

“The meeting that I attend [at Campbelltown Heritage, Australia’s oldest nudist club] feels something like a family picnic in the park – except no one is wearing pants.” – Melanie Kembrey,

“I’ve modeled at 16 different sizes, and what I’ve learned is that a smaller size never enhanced how I felt about my body. . . I never felt great about my body until I made the intrepid decision to love myself just the way I am, to feel worthy at the size my body naturally adjusted to. . . When photographer Victoria Janashvili learned about my journey, she asked if she could shoot me — nude . . . I was enthusiastic about the project but . . . apprehensive to strip down for a published book. . . When I look at them, I’m overcome with emotion.  Not because I’m ashamed, but because I can finally accept my body exactly the way it is. . .If I can be one more inspirational photo that contributes to the body-positive zeitgeist, I’m happy to share these photos. . . I hid these beautiful photos in a folder on my computer for months, primarily because I thought there was no way I’d share nude photos of myself, and online to boot!  I finally decided to share them, though because it takes courage to share the truth.  I thought publicizing what I actually look like . . . could heal people, help people, and create a space for inclusion and acceptance for all sizes . . . And just maybe, seeing someone for exactly who they are would be the catalyst for you to accept yourself in just the way you are today, as perfect already.” – Emily Nolan,

“If we are to demonstrate to people, mainstream society, that being naked is okay, then surely we have to stand up and be counted.  Now, I do understand that in certain circumstances, for instance in today’s witch-hunting atmosphere of terror, schoolteachers in particular might feel some concern of how parents [of their students] will react, but this is only really making the situation worse.  It always seems as though people are concerned about what ‘others might think.’  The only way to change this is to be open. . . Naturists and nudists and naked people all around the world, need to have a little more gumption.  Don't be afraid to post a naked photo on the internet, with your real name attached.  Show people how unashamed of your activities you really are. . . And, to forestall the inevitable hysteria, I do NOT mean that everyone MUST do this.  I'm just suggesting that if a few more people used their own images, their own stories, their own names, then we would begin to see more respect from mainstream culture. … Just think how nice it would be to be able to talk to your work colleagues, your neighbors, about your holidays … instead of being terrified they might one day find out.  Remember this: once the image is in the public domain, nobody can threaten to expose you.  Pre-empt the attempt, post first.” - Richard Foley” - From Tom Pine’s Special Report, file:///C:/Users/Owner/Downloads/The%20Naked%20Truth%20Naturists_vol_16_Special%20Report_no_03.pdf

“At this early stage of my [nude] running career, music provides two crucial devices: it gives me a rhythm, a pace to run to (with carefully selected tracks on my playlist) and it distracts me from hearing my own breathing, prevents me from panicking that I’m going to die.” -

“Self-conscious body shame and low self-esteem are like crimes against humanity.  I think slowly that tide is turning as outmoded religious dogma increasingly becomes more irrelevant in the face of scientific fact. . . we encourage our children not to be ashamed of themselves or their bodies.  There is no taboo against nudity at home or at the beach.  We also encourage our kids to be open minded, inquisitive and to question the status quo. . . [to] never settle on an understanding of the world, thinking that you have an answer to it all. . . we all should be challenging ourselves to understand our existence at deeper and deeper levels.  Simply start by truly understanding and learning about yourself.  That will enable you to better understand others.  Rather than seeing their differences you are far more likely to see their similarities.” – Shane Davis,

Friday, September 16, 2016

QUOTES 9/16/2016

“Most nudists/Naturists don’t want to walk down their high street naked . . . However, an increasing number of Naturists are not happy to be confined to sun clubs or a few short sections of the many beaches we have on our shores, we would like to be able to walk in the countryside naked, to swim naked wherever swimming is available . . . to tend our gardens naked without having to wait for our neighbors to go out and even to be able to lie naked in the sun in our local park.  This is the kind of acceptance we are trying to achieve.  It will not be easy, but that has to be the goal.” – Brian Taylor,

“People are so fearful that they take offense at almost everything that suggests that a different world view is valid.  Even wearing clothing is offensive if the clothing doesn’t fit within what the collective tells us is appropriate.  We are offended by baggy pants with boxers showing; we are offended by no clothing; we are offended by women’s breasts; we are offended by men in skirts; we are offended by women in burkas and men in turbans – the list of things that offend us are legion.  We see ourselves as victims of those who offend us.  Somewhere along the way, we began to believe that those who offend us should be punished, and if possible – punished harshly.  We claim that our rights and freedoms have been trampled by the offensive others who don’t live life or believe as we do.  There is no way for us to understand that this kind of thinking attacks the rights and freedoms of others.  We become so ethnocentric that all else becomes heresy, evil, and a threat to our very existence.  So, we do our best to deny the rights of others, putting into law everything we find offensive.” -

“My wife and I have a nudist pool party every month from April till October and always put it out as clothing optional and almost everyone gets nekkid eventually.  We have from 30 to 50 nekkid people at our backyard party. . . Never been an issue for the nudist or non-nudist.” – JerryandBillye,

“Let me explain to you what social nudity is all about.  As I stood there all eyes were now on me and I said.  First of all, it is a non-sexual experience, and the first thing you need to know is that people may look at first.  It is human nature.  I turned around to be sure that everyone could see, and I said, ‘Now that you have all checked me out, I ask you to do this to make a point.  It shows you that I know you are looking and that I am not ashamed or embarrassed and it tells you that your natural tendency to look . . . is not wrong, not nasty and it is not unacceptable to me.  I then entered the water, and introduced myself to each of the people.  The tension eased, and everyone relaxed and we talked for several hours about all topics from social nudity to physics to good movies, occupations, school and families.  They were a wonderful group of young people: university students, a disabled veteran, a Registered Nurse, a multimedia producer, a US National Park Ranger, and I don't remember what the other woman's occupation was.  All were relaxed, no one else got naked, but the social interaction was amazing.” - John Collins, El Paso, Texas,

“In some ways nudism has regressed.  Historically people have only swum nude.  Swimsuits are only a little more than a century old and don’t help with swimming at all.  The YMCA, Boy Scouts, and boys in K-12 schools would swim nude in the United States and it ended sometime between the 1960s and 1980s.  It ended for one absurd reason in the YMCA just because of women beginning to be admitted to swim with the men together in the 1970s.  The sexual revolution of the 1960s caused more bans of swimming naked.  The AIDS discovery of 1981 caused nudity to become more sexualized and even more restricted.  Globalization of the United States’ stuff around the world has caused more frowning upon of nudism overseas as well.  The last three decades were especially terrible times for nudism in the United States.” - Randomfactsgeekjga,

Thursday, September 15, 2016

QUOTES 9/15/2016

“Yes I’m a Naturist.  You ask me to get my clothes on like it’s something wrong.  It’s not; nudity to me is natural because we were all born this way.  That clothes to us Naturists is for when it’s cold.  I don’t come in to your home and ask you to get naked because I’m uncomfortable with clothing.  In fact, I’m completely fine if you’re clothed or not.  It’s a matter of choice if you decide to have clothes on or not.  Naturists are very friendly and opened minded on lifestyles. . . Embrace body acceptance and acceptance of others.” - Scott Redcloud,

“In France, a 15-year study on bras found that they do not prevent sagging and may actually cause sagging.  It also concluded that bras don’t offer any physical benefits to those who wear them.  On the other hand, women who went braless for a long period of time had better muscle development for breast support and less sagging.” – Felicity Jones,

“Most people are only naked when they’re showering or having sex, which creates a taboo that being naked is somehow naughty.  But going to a nudist beach helps you realize being naked isn’t a big deal after all” -

“I’m a naturist.  I’m not self-conscious about others seeing my naked bod.  I haven’t been troubled by being the only one, or one of the few in a more clothed crowd.  I don’t generally like to get the feeling that I’m on display. . . I resent voyeurs who stare.  I do like my privacy at times and like to be left alone.  At other times, I like to interact or converse. . . you have boundary issues to work out with the neighbor, solutions in the making. . . [my wife’s] attitude would be, to not care about being seen, no reason to be concerned. . . We both would have brought up . . . casual nudity and gotten some answers from the guy, and set boundaries, bidding a friendly adieu and making it plain that we expect a private Eden, or invite him to join us, but definitely settle his ‘naturalist’ question. . . most likely take a less incremental approach. . . if he doesn’t mind seeing us normally nude on occasion then we don’t mind seeing him dressed.” – Jbeegoode,;topicseen

“I dream that one day society will not judge others’ lifestyle choices without really knowing the character of the person, and what that lifestyle is about.  Whether it be a nudist lifestyle such as my own, or a lifestyle of different fashion choices that society currently deems as 'weird' or any other lifestyle that society currently does not understand, and therefore deems as deviant, or strange.  That one day, people will realize that a naked human body is just that, a naked body.  That being naked is Not sinful, or shameful, that it is just the way we are born and we should be proud of our bodies whether clothed or unclothed, whether large, small, with or without tattoos, or with missing limbs or scars.  That people will try to first understand someone before passing judgment on them, or their lifestyle.  I dream that all men and women will be treated equally everywhere.  I too, Have A Dream.  Will you join me in making this happen?” – Guy Purcella,

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

QUOTES 9/14/2016

“DeAnza Springs Resort (California) . . . we thoroughly enjoyed following the trail that weaved in and out of the nearby abandoned railway.  You have to get the timing right as a mid-afternoon walk on a 100+ degree afternoon would probably lose its charm pretty fast.” -

“If a friend or family member will join you in your bare-chestedness, awesome.  Strength in numbers.  Even if your friends don’t wish to go bare-chested, ask them to come along and act normally in the presence of your bare-chestedness.” -

“Scientists have just told women to stop wearing bras, and it wasn’t for National No Bra Day on October 13th.  Apparently, going without a bra promotes more tone and supporting breast tissue and wearing a bra from a young age does not help support the chest, reduce back pain or prevent breast sagging.  Jean-Denis Rouillon, a sport science researcher and professor at the University of Franche-Comte in the eastern town of Besançon, conducted a 15-year study on the effect of bras on 330 women aged 18 to 35.  His team of researchers found that the women who did not wear bras have perkier breasts.  In the study, women that stopped wearing bras – through choice, not as a requirement of the study – had a 7-millimeter (0.3-inch) lift in their nipples when compared with regular bra users.  Bras, they claim, could hamper circulation and reduce breast tone over time. . .Medically, physiologically, anatomically – breasts gain no benefit from being denied gravity.  On the contrary, they get saggier with a bra.” -

“Don’t lose yourself trying to be everything to everyone.” - Tony Gaskins,

“We're used to seeing men's bare chests in public, but a century ago that was roughly as scandalous as a woman's bare chest today . . . At some point, men insisted on their right to bare their chests, and over the course of a generation, it has become the new normal.  Hopefully the same will happen for women.  It will just take time.” - Alethea Andrews, Outdoor Co-Ed Topless Fiction Appreciation Society,