“There’s nothing worse than sitting in a lounger
wearing a soggy wet diaper! For me the
best part of nude swimming is getting out of the pool and lying down on your
lounger with nothing between you and the hot sun but beads of water. Clothing and water do not mix period.” – My
Dogs White, https://www.truenudists.com/forum/viewthread.php?id=16710&page=1
“Naked body, naked gifts. Simplify.” – Natasha Pearl Hansen, http://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/naked-christmas
“I think nudist club photography policies are outdated
and should change. . . there’s an alternative policy that works better for
everyone, and it’s simple: Don’t take photos of other people without their
consent. Most people are capable of
understanding and following this rule.
And if they don’t? The club takes
action. . . I know this consent-based photo rule can work because I know at
least one club that uses it and has used it for many years: Rock Lodge Club in
New Jersey. Do they still get a visitor
once in a while who breaks the photo rule?
Of course, and they deal with it appropriately and swiftly. But I’m betting this does not occur any more
frequently than it does at clubs with the supervision rule. . . There are
events such as the big Super Bowl volleyball tournament at White Thorn Lodge
where no photography is allowed. . .This week-long tournament is one of the
biggest naturist events in the U.S. with hundreds of people and yet . . . The
opportunity to generate more interest, reach more people and get so many new
individuals excited about attending these events is lost. . . . It could make a
huge difference for people to be able to take their own photos and share them
as the event is happening or later on. . . it should go without saying that
online photo-sharing is great promotion for nudist clubs as well. I know people want their privacy. . . not
wanting your photo taken doesn’t mean you’re ashamed to be a nudist. Maybe . . . you don’t want any photos taken
without your express consent. . . everyone has a different comfort level and
everyone’s privacy should be and needs to be respected. But with a focus on consent and common sense,
I also think we can ensure photo privacy in a much more reasonable and logical
way. There is a better middle ground
between ‘NO PHOTOS EVER’ and a picture free-for-all. . . I think it’s time we
start to move beyond the overly-cautious, paranoid approach of the 20th century
and allow nudism to be more easily documented in the digital age. We can emphasize privacy, respect and consent
while still letting people have fun and without turning nudism into a secret,
hidden activity.” – Felicity Jones, http://youngnaturistsamerica.com/nudist-club-photography/
“I had always been a backyard nudist, so the big step
for me was deciding to be nude in front of others outside my immediate family. What did it for me was tennis. Most nudist parks have tennis courts, and on
my first visit to one of the parks I found myself courtside, watching what
seemed strange at first glance: people playing tennis but wearing only their
tennis shoes and a hat. Soon, I found
myself in an easy conversation with others who were also watching. It seemed only a nanosecond later that I
found myself invited into a doubles match wearing the same sun clad outfit as
the others. It was an awesome
feeling! Later that day, I discovered
the park had a tennis pro who gave lessons on Wednesdays, so I arranged my work
schedule to always get Wednesday off, in order to spend a naked day up at the
park improving my game. I became so
devoted to the schedule that a few years later I refused a job promotion
because I would not be able to get my normal Wednesdays off.! – Lesley, http://femalenaturist.blogspot.com/search/label/Nude%20Recreation%20From%20A%20Woman%27s%20Perspective
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