Sunday, September 18, 2016

QUOTES 9/18/2016

“Sunbathing can help prevent more than 25 chronic diseases and save billions . . . evidence suggests that a deep tan, particularly in childhood and adolescent years, protects against melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer; and further evidence suggests that sunbathing, even when it causes sunburn, protects against diseases such as multiple sclerosis and prostate cancer.  So tanning should properly be seen as a sign of health, as indeed it is by most members of the public, although care should be taken to avoid burning.” – Health Research Forum

“Indeed, walking in the woods, surrounded by all of God’s GREAT handiwork - the sights, smells and sensations, precisely as God created us to do (‘naked and unashamed’) is a phenomenal experience.  I have come across all sorts of animals.  I noticed that when I am dressed, the deer run and scatter as soon as they see me.  However, when I have been undressed, they have come almost right up to me.  In fact, they were so close, I was uncomfortable and actually had to chase them away.  It kind of gave me a sense of what Adam and Eve may have felt in the Garden, where man was not yet a threat - or a meal.” - Natman

“Is Freehiking strictly a male pastime?  I was part of a non-landed club that had about a 60/40 mix of men to women and they did go on hikes especially to natural hot springs, etc.  I just think that men are more outdoors oriented and due to that there are more who are into freehiking.  However, I have also found that if you are a member of an outdoors type club something like the Sierra Club or another eco friendly group and you are visiting a hot springs most of the members prefer to soak sans clothing. I think that would be a likely group to interest in freehiking.” - NudeAl

“Nothing beats the freedom of walking naked in the open air, unencumbered by the restrictive grip of clothing.  Nothing.  Not even gravity.  I felt like a kid again.” – Tracy Issacs

“. . . we are 99.9% home nudists as well as; social nudists, driving nude nudists, backyard nudists, chore nudists, vacationing nudists...the list is endless.  It's such second nature and so much a part of our lives that...the Prof is sick and has been for the last couple days but...when she got home from work, today, she immediately stripped off her clothes to be comfortable...even when not feeling well.  I had the window washer guy here this morning and wore a pair of shorts while he was in the house...but when he went outside...I took them off and just cracked the door when he was done to hand him the check.  I couldn't stand wearing clothes any longer in our home!” - FireProf 

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