Sunday, September 11, 2016

QUOTES 9/11/2016

“. . . the internet has created a resource for promoting naturism that would have been unimaginable 25 years ago . . . But ironically enough, it has also become a cornerstone in the demise of naturism for those who fear retribution for their desires to bare all before God and high tech cell phones!” -

“. . . the roots of naturism back to early twentieth-century Germany and France . . . was a radical movement, embraced by only a few, and held in contempt by most.  The early leaders worked tirelessly to convince the government (and the masses) that, along with a diet that restricts meat, alcohol, tobacco, and anything else that tastes good, that direct exposure to the sun will be make you healthy. . . It would be the early 1960s before people really started getting naked on French beaches.  That’s scarcely fifty years ago.” –

“In these prime summer days, clothes can often seem like a cruel, sweaty burden.  An unnecessary layer holding you back from your true potential.  If only you could rip the itchy fabric from your flesh and dance free like the nature baby you were born to be!  Then you’d be free, you’d be au natural, you’d be ... probably, pretty inappropriate and awkward, but awesomely so.” -

"Live in a nudist community and say goodbye to pit stains forever!” – Lee Breslover,

“People eat naked anyway.  A lot of people eat naked sitting at home . . . The only new thing is convincing them to do it in public.  It wasn’t a problem in the end, though.  We had 40,000 people apply, and we’ve only got 6,000 places.” – Seb Lyall,

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