Sunday, December 17, 2017

QUOTES 12/16/2017

“. . . scientists are discovering a positive side to sun-worshipping.  Even taking the skin-cancer risk fully into account, they say that getting a good dose of sunshine is statistically going to make us live longer, healthier and happier lives.  Emerging research indicates that sunlight may protect us against a wide range of lethal or disabling conditions, such as obesity, heart attacks, strokes, asthma, and multiple sclerosis.  Sunshine has also been shown to boost our libidos and general mood.  This is not simply about vitamin D — which our skin manufactures from sunlight.  The vitamin helps us build healthy bones and teeth and may protect against bowel cancer.  But new research indicates that solar rays benefit our bodies in multiple other ways.  Scientists now believe, for example, that exposure to sun prompts our bodies to produce nitric oxide, a chemical that helps protect our cardiovascular system — and the feel-good brain chemical serotonin.” – John Naish,

“Nude Hike in Ireland - Ballyfad August 2017” (Video) -

“Genuine nudist clubs maintain normal standards of social behavior in a wholesome, family-friendly environment.  The atmosphere is relaxed, and members and visitors are free to join in social and sporting activities.  Everyone should feel comfortable, and any behavior requiring an apology is not tolerated.  Family-oriented nudist clubs are far less sexual than clothed places where bikinis, thongs, and provocative clothing are worn.” –

“I tell every love interest that I am a nudist.  I don't make it my selling point, but I let them know, upfront.  It's a topic they need to know about.” – Eric Flak,

“. . . we've hosted many gardening interns over the years and a good number of them ended up nude with us in the garden.” – NoTanLines,

“In the past, I have been embarrassed and ashamed of myself and my body – I’m too pale, too thin, too sensitive.  It was a healing experience to be able to be nude in context with other people and be completely happy.  My wife thought the experience was a great starting point as well.  While there was some initial hesitancy, she quickly became comfortable.  It was a safe entry point into a new experience for us, and it was very freeing enjoy our bodies regardless of what others think… and to be honest, no one even notices!” -

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