Sunday, December 3, 2017

QUOTES 12/3/2017

“If you're going to Taos area . . . my number one stop would be Stagecoach Hot Springs (also called Manby hot springs).  It's west of Taos, before the gorge bridge, turning north on a dirt road . . . then park at the rim of the gorge.  If not many cars, you could probably hike nude down to the river where the hot springs are.  Nudity is common at the springs and a long time tradition (the skinny dipping scene from Easy Rider was filmed there}.  Raft outfitters stop there with their groups about 2x a day, which crowds it, and requires discretion until they leave.” – NudePrewd,

“2014 SF Nude Olympics The Pioneer Newspaper Edition by Kris Stewart” (Video) -

“There are more places where folks go bare among the bears, of course, yet it's usually while looking over their shoulders hoping that Ranger Smith won't have a problem if they catch you dressed in nothing but what Yogi and Boo Boo wore.” – Bare Platypus,

“Discrimination against naturism it not usually direct but it certainly underpins society.  If we try to promote a naturist event or business in mainstream media it is often rejected on the basis of adult content, or when liaising with those outside of naturism they claim they do not want to be associated with ‘that kind of thing’.  Often it is claimed that it is not ‘they’ who have a problem with it, but it is others.  The fact is, these ‘others’ are completely unknown as they are a creation in the imagination to support their own prejudice.  So yes prejudice is alive and well.  But almost every single person you meet will say that that they have no problem with it.” – NNIC Admin,

“I go hiking/walking in public forest preserves often and am very careful as to where I walk/hike and how close I get to busy roads.  I always carry a pair of shorts in one hand or the other, that can easily slip over my shoes.  While I am out admiring the beauty of nature, I am more aware of my surroundings and take care in listening for others walking on the leaves, broken twigs, etc., and as soon as I hear or see someone, I stop and put on my shorts, however, on occasion I have been to slow, and acting natural and just going about your business has worked for me.  There isn't a better way to spend time in nature than all natural.  Enjoy and the more you do it the more you will get comfortable doing it.” – MaleNudist,

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