Friday, December 22, 2017

QUOTES 12/22/2017

“Well, I took advantage of my new excuse to hike naked and went out yesterday to pick mushrooms.  It was pretty warm out and windless, though raining lightly when I got to forest area I knew to have good crops of chanterelles.  I stripped, put on rubber boots and a rain hat, let the dog out of the back of the pickup, and entered the trees for an hour and a half walk and mushrooming expedition.  Since I didn't have a compass with me I was pretty careful to stay near an old closed logging road and adjoining skid trails.  When it's overcast around here it's hard to tell directions, especially when you've got your head down looking for 'shrooms.  I explored several game trails and skid trails, walking a couple of miles, and collecting about a pound of chanterelles, enough for a few meals for my wife and me.  The warm air, the scents of the forest, the light rain on my bare shoulders and chest all made for a great walk in the woods. I can now thoroughly recommend naked mushrooming!” – Woods Buff

La Nuit du modèle Vivant au Beaux Arts de Lille” (Video) -

“Clothing is uncomfortable, unhealthy, expensive, and very anti-green, but clothing also has a big corporate industry that is supported by forcing people to buy their products.  I am all about nude living whenever the weather is comfortable.  I eschew their corporate textiles, shopping mall stores, laundry water waste, etc.  I drive naked, walk naked, and live naked whenever I won’t be arrested.  And, that turns out to be a lot of my life.  The whole concept that nude is something we only do for recreation on vacation, but not in our normal life, is one of the big problems we have had promoting acceptance of nudity for decades.” – Bob,

“Ancient Egyptians sunbathed naked for health and spirituality, Greek athletes competed naked (‘gymnasium’ deriving from the Greek word meaning ‘to train naked’) and the Romans regnlarly bathed communally.” – Eleanor Halls,

“I believe that skin is more beautiful that the garment with which it is clothed.” -

“HAVE you ever walked through an art gallery and thought ‘this experience would be better if I could take my pants off’?  If so, the Sydney Festival is answering your prayers.  For one night only, members of the public can take part in a special nudists-only performance . . . at the Art Gallery of New South Wales. . . This is some seriously highbrow nudity, people.” - Simone Mitchell,

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