Thursday, December 21, 2017

QUOTES 12/21/2017

(Jainism in India) “These holy men reject everything, including clothing, and despite India not necessarily being a hotbed of nude activity, these men wander at will and without threat of arrest for public nudity, as the population understands their religion.  Jainism also has its own ‘nuns’, or sadhvi, but by contrast it is forbidden that these ladies go naked.  Instead, they wear a white robe and often have a little mouth cloth. . . In a rather moralistic Indian society, where nudity is generally frowned upon . . . the nude, Jain priests are something of an anomaly, but nonetheless something worth examining in the context of nudity in society.”

Hindu sadhus pose for our camera” (Video) -

“. . . nudity does not interfere, but rather helps to realize the human potential.” -

“I find tan lines graceless.  When you tan without any suit, your all body gets tanned evenly and when naked on pictures or with my significant other, I find it better to offer the best body I can.” -

“. . . it seems many nudists really are condemned to wear clothes all the time beyond the walls of their homes, especially if they are living on tight budgets.  They’re trapped in a textile world.  So, how do we liberate them . . . Should the desire to get back to the basics of naturism outdoors be recognized by governments as a social need, as opposed to a recreation? . . .  nudism is more than simply recreation, that it is a genuine psychological need, and that if nudists are denied the opportunities to express themselves in adequate settings, they could suffer from depression and other things.” – Jillian Page,

“I totally understand the appeal of nudism and why so many people chose to embrace a nudist lifestyle – it was of the most freeing experiences of my life!” -

“Ours [hot tub] is used nude most of the time.  Even when the kids are over and swimming, I'll heat the hot tub up a bit warmer, they take off their suits and sit in it to warm up before getting out and taking a shower.” – AndyDi,

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