Wednesday, December 20, 2017

QUOTES 12/20/2017

“David Taylor, a business psychologist, told workers at design and marketing onebestway, in Newcastle upon Tyne, that a Naked Friday idea would boost their team spirit. . . Mr. Taylor told them that, by stripping off their clothes, staff could also strip away inhibitions and talk to each other more openly and honestly.   He said: ‘Inviting an organization to go naked is the most extreme technique I've used.  It may seem weird but it works.  It's the ultimate expression of trust in yourself and each other.’  Despite some initial reluctance, nearly all the staff took off all their clothes – except for one man, who wore a posing pouch, and one of two female workers, who kept on black underwear.  Sam Jackson, 23, the house manager, was the only woman to go fully naked.  She said: ‘It was brilliant.  Now that we've seen each other naked, there are no barriers.  We weren't put under pressure.  If we wanted to come in clothed or in our underwear, we could.  But I love my body and wasn't ashamed.  We're all beautiful, whether we've got big bodies or small ones. . . The first few steps were very nerve-racking but, once I got to my desk and got used to it, I felt totally comfortable.  It was emotional but we found we were much more able to talk to each other honestly – and have been since.  The company has improved massively.’” – Ben Leach,

“First Naturist Massage” (Video) -

“. . . many people find that they are more at peace with themselves and others when they are completely naked.  This perceived inner and social peace is a strong draw for people from the mainstream who are seeking a less judgmental way of life.” – Jordan Blum,

“After God listened to the feeble excuses of the man and woman about why they did their sinful deeds, He pronounced the curse on mankind that has been with us ever since.  Among other things He proclaimed that unlike the way things had been in Eden, life would become much harsher. . . where there were great variations in climate.  God must have looked at the pathetic clothes the man and woman had made for themselves out of fig leaves and known that they would do little or nothing to protect them from the rigors of their new environment, so I believe that it was out of compassion that God made protective and durable clothes from animal skins. . . covering the body for protection was okay but covering the body for the reason Adam and Eve did was sin.” -

“Naturism is all about the feel good factor, so don’t get stressed out worrying how you are to do it!  Just be yourself, only, when it is warm enough, remove your clothes.  It is as simple as that . . .” – Roni Fine,

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