Friday, February 2, 2018

QUOTES 2/2/2018

“Benjamin Franklin was in the habit of taking air baths each morning in his room.  He made some efforts to induce others to adopt the practice and speaks highly of the benefits he derived therefrom.  Franklin particularly desired to divest himself of all clothing when doing mental work.”

“VALALTA FKK Naturist Camping Rovinj” (Video) –

“I found being naked to be a humbling experience . . . There were no clothes that could make me feel like I was anything other than who I am:  A being created by God, whose purpose is to find, and do, whatever He created me to do. . . Being naked isn’t a means of attaining inner peace.  But: Being naked can direct a person towards the source of inner peace: God. . . What I will do, is allow the humility that being naked made me feel to direct my heart to the only one who can satisfy my deepest, most desperate desires. . . you’re not a freak or a pervert if you want to be naked.  God meant for you to be naked. . . I see the desire to be naked as a desire to return to God — a desire to reclaim the relationship with God, the relationship with our fellow human beings, and the relationship with the world, that was lost as a result of Adam’s and Eve’s sin.” -

“In recent years I’ve been rather more public in my nudity and am now completely comfortable being naked in the presence of clothed members of the public.  If I’m naked at home, which is whenever it is warm enough, I will answer the door naked and I’ve got a lot of naturist photos on the walls throughout my house.” – Brian,

“Perhaps one day nudism will become a respected lifestyle and the taboos will go away so we can all live peacefully together, clothed and unclothed alike.” -

“It is not a matter of flaunting their bodies or trying to be scandalous. Social nudists believe the human body is a thing of beauty and there is no reason to be embarrassed by it. . . Social nudists are generally not self-conscious about their bodies.  Living life without clothing, they accept themselves in the same way that most people accept the appearance of their face or hair. . . The whole point of being a social nudist is to achieve freedom from the restriction of clothing and social expectations, to experience all of the sensations in nature in the way human beings were born.” - Jordan Blum,

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