Wednesday, February 7, 2018

QUOTES 2/7/2018

“I am a ‘Christian naturist’, so to me, naturism is about being able to live as God intended, ‘naked (nude) and unashamed’.  It is about allowing our bodies to interact with our environments as they were ‘designed’, not filtered and suffocated through some man-made vestiges apart from the need for protection from the elements such as thorns, thistles, too much sun or too little warmth.  It is about proudly proclaiming and displaying that we are made in ‘God's image’, mind, soul AND BODY.” - Nathan Powers

“The Oriental Village ChiangMai (Naturist Resort)” (Video) –

 “It’s ironic how many who have chosen the nudist lifestyle are ones who were picked on as kids growing up; they were nerds who were never excepted into the cool crowd or they were individuals who were made fun of for being imperfect while facing lack of conformity issues.  Yet they come right out and expose themselves while the others who made fun of them are now far too ashamed /afraid to be socially nude.” - Melissa Dejanude,

“Even before talking to these women, I considered myself extremely accepting of nudity. But after digging deeper and discovering the lifestyle's confidence-related benefits, I see that nudity can solve so much more than the fact that pants can feel like leg prisons. I have to admit that when Felicity invited me to participate in the upcoming Bodypainting Day event, the opportunity sparked some temptation. But in the end, I had to say no. Even though my self-esteem is quite solid, I'm not brave enough to show the world everything I've got. Although I'll be keeping the rest of my clothes on, my hat's off to anyone who is.” – Zahra Barnes,

“Body shame should never be allowed.” – St. Nudist,

“I became a naturist when I was about 27 or so, it was the time that I ran a nude 5k.  Running is a hobby of mine and I’d read about naked races through running magazines, so it’s always been on my list.  It took place at a nudist resort.  I planned to leave right after, but I saw they had an outdoor pool and I was already naked so I decided to take a dip.  It felt really nice and I ended up talking to people at the pool for the good part of the afternoon.  I realized I really like being naked outside.” – Will,

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