Thursday, October 11, 2018

QUOTES 10/11/2018

“It is so basic.  A human being is an innocent part of nature.  Our civilization has distorted this universal quality that allows us to feel at home in our skin.  Other animals have coats that they accept, but the human race has yet to come to terms with being nude.” -

“Albercada Nudista Guadalajara 2018” (Video) –

“I can only pass on the recommendations of those in the forefront of vitamin D research.  Their best advice is to go in the Sun regularly without burning.  Wear as little clothing as you can.” - Bob Berman,

“Everyone has the right to live Naked, especially in their own homes.  If you're under 18 and living at home with your parents, don't live in the shadows.  Sit down and explain to your parents why you want to simply just be naked and comfortable at home.  You'd be surprised how your Parents may actually respect your views, shrug their shoulders and say 'It's No Big Deal.'  And Textile Parents, if your child comes up to you and says they want to be naked at home, respect that view.  It takes a lot of courage for a child to open up, fully trusting that you as their Mom or Dad will understand their feelings and ask for your blessing.  You should be Proud of Them!” – Creative,

“When I went away to college, we had separate pools for men and women.  There were several other women that were topless in the pool and I followed the first few times but finally walked out of the showers nude one afternoon.  Soon, most of the topless ladies were nude and after several weeks, it was pretty much nude for everyone. That was Berkley CA.  One afternoon, a male student came into the women's pool and stripped naked.  He got a few stares but no one objected.  Being friendly, I approached him to say hello and struck up a conversation.  We met there frequently and soon began seeing each other socially.  We were together through 4 years at Berkley and we have been happily married for almost 15 years.” - Gloria, Ontario, California,

“My garden is well screened so the neighbors will only see me if they make an effort to.  Once I drove home naked and, as I got out of the car, the lady next door came up to talk to me.  No problem.” – Ollygrumps,

“A good friend of ours checked with the neighbors and asked if they would be upset.  The neighbors had no issues with them, (husband and wife) nude on their deck or pool.” – Rockofbury,

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