Wednesday, October 24, 2018

QUOTES 10/24/2018

“It seems to me that there is considerable interest in naturism or nudism as a lifestyle and so I am considering giving talks locally on the social aspect of this way of life.  I am prepared to give the talks naked.  I would like to spread the message of the benefits of social nudity as I have derived so much from the practice, both physically and mentally. . . I also very much enjoy being able to walk in the countryside without the disadvantages of clothes.  The absence of clothes among the guests is a great leveler, and I am, by nature, a leveler.  Gardening naked enhances my enjoyment of plants.  Yes, I prune roses naked. . . I have yet to make any advances about organizing any talks but I will.” - Stuart Haywood,

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“The best part of social nudity is just that… social.  I have yet to meet another person or couple nude in a hot tub that I didn’t enjoy talking with and sharing stories.” -

“Undressing has the power to undermine authority by presenting observers with a sudden, unpredicted sight of nudity.  It demonstrates the emotional resolve to carry on in the face of oppressive forces. . . the naked female body has become an apt tool of resistance.  Nudity, more so than placards and chants of ‘not in my name’, ensures that images of these protests will be broadcast worldwide.  The naked body has a very different meaning in this context than it does elsewhere.  One of the reasons for the effectiveness of naked protest is the fact that its meaning can change so drastically depending on the motives for undressing.  Undressing on the street sends very different messages to an act of undressing carried out on a stage or in a private bedroom.  The same naked body, in these different settings, can be beautiful or monstrous, strong or vulnerable, compliant or defiant. . . When we undress in public, the act is almost always intended as a message.  Public nudity expresses very particular desires or demands.  For anti-war protestors, the naked body advocates disarmament.  A body, after all, cannot make love and war at the same time.  As a form of peaceful protest, the vulnerable naked body opposes the might of oppressive powers, undermining the power of the social contract that tells all compliant citizens to remain clothed.” – Dr. Barbara Brownie,

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