Saturday, October 20, 2018

QUOTES 10/20/2018

“After two years living in the wild, engineer Matthew Sakae Forkin is back in the San Francisco area.  But he still gets away to California’s Lost Coast to swing [naked] through trees. ‘When I’m in the wilderness and feel part of it . . . I’m in a state of flow, full of energy and passion and calm.’” - Florence Williams quoting Matthew Sakae Forkin,

Rando-raquettes naturistes secteur de Roubion” Video -

“My wife and I, and friends spend quite a bit of time camping in remote / semi-remote areas.  Swimming and getting cleaned up is part of the routine . . . I never wear anything in the water and it's gotten to the point where it's actually uncomfortable wearing clothes in the water, especially if the situation requires wearing wet clothing when I'm done.  My friends all know my inclinations and I try to keep my activities out of their line-of-sight, but they've all seen me at one time or another.  Still trying to convince them that wearing clothes when they swim doesn't make any sense.” – Ragadas,

“. . . keeping nudism secret means it can’t be accepted by mainstream society.  In this day and age, we should have nudism promoted. . . Many nudists don’t tell their friends and family about them going to nudist venues, but the only way to make progress is to let others know . . . We need to really publicize nudism and promote nudism positively. . . To normalize nudity, we will need to change stuff.  Only we can change the aversion of nudism.  We need to petition to stop the crazy censorship of nakedness.  We need to end the advertising of too much sex and perfect bodies.  We need to end negative body image advertising.  We need to petition to end a lot of atrocities like war and violence to be seen on the media, movies, and the world’s most popular websites and instead allow non-sexual nudity in them.  We need to petition to have being nude be allowed anywhere in the world.  We need nudism in our everyday lives.  It’s for our own good.  The purpose is not to force nudity on anyone, but to make nudism accepted by mainstream society and then more people can try it. . . Remaining closeted on nudism can’t promote the nudist lifestyle fast enough. . . It’s clearly time to go public with nudism and make nudism mainstream.” - Randomfactsgeekjga,

“. . . there is nothing better than taking a nude walk in the woods.  Where I camp it is clothing optional.  So I camp nude and there are 80 acres of wooded trails.  I love morning walks when all the animals are waking and the birds are singing. . . When I want some new scenery I walk down the road and hike down into the gorge.  There is a nudist area down there and others come to relax nude and soak up some sun.  A great hike and great scenery.” – ColdnNude,

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