Friday, October 19, 2018

QUOTES 10/19/2018

“Generally, naturism is none of the things most people who don’t practice it believe it to be – and that is a very long list of strange perceptions.  Naturism, in its healthiest expression, celebrates the person – not what they look like or how they dress.  Naturism recognizes no uniforms; every single body can be as unique as the individual who lives within.  Naturism can be healthy for body and mind.  Naturism can be a lot of things – fun, sociable, healthy, sensual, liberating and natural . . . sometimes it’s fun to get ‘dressed up’ and I certainly don’t advocate nudity for every situation (arc welding springs to mind).  Clothes serve a functional purpose, but somehow, somewhere, clothes have taken over from self-esteem and self-perception as well.  It doesn’t need to be that way.” – Stephen Crowley, Loxie & Zoot and the The Bare Pit webcomics, From Tom Pine’s Special Report,

“Naked Hiking Stille Kern Horsterwold 2017” (Video) –

“The swimsuit industry is all about sexually objectifying women.  A lot of swimsuits are made to emphasize a woman’s cleavage and butt.  The over-sexualization of breasts is part of the reason we’re forced to wear tops at all.  Victoria’s Secret adds the word ‘sexy’ into the names of every single one of their bathing suits. . . it sends the message that women are supposed to wear bikinis so they can look ‘sexy’ and attract the (heterosexual) male gaze.  Why else would we go to the beach, right? . . . It sounds counter-intuitive, but nude beaches and nudist resorts create a more equal and less sexual environment because everyone is naked. . . As the swimsuit has shrunk in appearance, one would hope that we are eventually going to do away with it entirely or at least get more top-optional / swimsuit-optional places.” – Felicity, YNA,

“If you live with a partner, you should definitely discuss your interest in naturism with them from the start.  Honesty is always the best policy, and you never know, they may be just as interested as you! –

“Nature will heal your bare skin and soul.” -

“THE FABLE OF THE NAKED TRUTH - One morning, while Truth skinny-dipped, Old Falsehood found where she had stripped.  That lier stole her royal robe, and strutted in it round the globe.  But Truth was pure and would not wear, the rags that Falsehood left her there.  From that day onward she went bare.  Clad only in the sun and air, exposing all to all she greets, who fall for falsely dressed deceits, the Naked Truth with glory gleams, dispelling Falsehood’s charming schemes.  Although its wrap looks safe and sound, not all that seems is truly bound.  The garb of Truth can fool the wise, when it is worn as a disguise.  But morning doesn’t fight with night.  It simply says, ‘So long!’ with light.  Just so, deception, from a lie.  Must go at Naked Truth’s ‘Good-bye!’” - David L. Hatton, 9/11/2010 (Poems Between Birth and Resurrection © 2013)

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