Thursday, August 24, 2017

QUOTES 8/24/2017

“Science has delivered more good news to fans of sleeping in the nude.  Wearing underwear to bed could damage sperm and possibly decrease a man's fertility . . . The study, conducted by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, tracked the underwear choices and sperm quality of 500 men for up to one year . . .It found that those who wore boxers during the day and slept naked had 25 percent less DNA fragmentation . . . in their sperm, compared with those who wore tight briefs day and night.  For all the hopeful fathers out there, researchers advise wearing loose-fitting boxers during the day and nothing at night to optimize your chances of getting your partner pregnant.” – Rebecca Dancer,

“Festival Topless Libre 2016” (Video) -

“Naturism is all about respect.  Respect for nature, for yourself and for others.  This sounds very hippy like, but has some interesting advantages: people are polite and friendly and there’s little to no garbage around.” -

“I was naked in the middle of New York City.  Outside on a rooftop, with a crowd of people I’d never met, there I was with my bare butt in a soft chair, eating a chocolate chip cookie and drinking a bottle of water.  And everyone around me, including my husband, was similarly naked.  No, it was not some weird dream.  It was real. . . at our rooftop event, I was surrounded by people who, I feel very sure, recognize that the body is more than a sexual object.  And as we recognize that the body is more than sexual, we recognize that humans are more than we can imagine.” (Many Photos) -

“Zogby Poll reveals 1 in 4 people are nudists, they just never tell anyone.  Say something!” -

“How many times have you heard something like: ‘Get your clothes on!’, or ‘Cover that nasty thing up!’, or maybe ‘Running around naked is just plain WRONG!’.  We have all heard those statements at some time in our lives, but why?  Is there something ‘shameful’ about our bodies?  Is God’s image in us, which He called ‘very good’, somehow ‘shameful’?  Why are Adam and Eve described as being ‘naked and unashamed’, and then a few verses in that narrative later, Adam told God that ‘I was afraid because I was naked’?  Is it really ‘shameful’ to be ‘naked’?  What I would submit to you is that the shame they felt was shame of the heart, not shame of the body, and being physically ‘naked’ had nothing to do with it.” – Steve,

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