Sunday, May 28, 2017

QUOTES 5/28/2017

“Last evening I took a bag of trash out to my trash bin at the road.  I walked toward the bin I heard a car coming from the south.  I ignored it and kept walking, holding the trash at my side.  I was maybe 75 feet from the trash bin and 100 feet from the road when a red pickup went past. . . I walked on out to my bin and put the trash in. . . when a vehicle rounded the corner to my north, headed south. I closed the trash bin lid and began walking up the driveway toward my house.  As they passed I glanced over my shoulder and saw it was the same pickup again, this time headed south.  I was again about 100 feet from the road.  I kept walking away.  The pickup passed by.  I had gotten maybe another 100 feet when the same pickup pulled up and stopped in front of my driveway to get a better look. . . As I continued walking up my hill the pickup drove off.  I do hope they enjoyed seeing a beautiful older man taking out his trash. . . Whomever they were it gives them an opportunity to encounter and see a human being engaged in ordinary non-confrontational activity.” – Bob Knows,

“Being naked in a group builds courage and leaves you feeling stronger.” – Rupa,

“Right from the story of Adam and Eve, we are taught that figs leaves are for concealing the body parts – at first thought to be among the most beautiful works of all creation, but now denigrated to reside amidst attitudes of shame and guilt.  So many social norms have been attributed to New and Old Testament writings, even by those who have abandoned the tenants of religiosity, but yet, have held closely to the ethical values seemingly derived from such ideologies.  In any event, a lot has happened in the last 2000 years. . .” -

“A friend of mine once told me that he believes privacy is an overrated concept fueled by barriers we put into place that prevent us from ever actually getting to know people.” – Marie Southard Ospina,

“It's nearly incomprehensible that during my childhood and young adult years that [swimming naked] was socially normal but today our society considers it a criminal felony and will get your picture posted on the Internet as a sex offender.  Guess it was a combination of co-ed swimming and some folks making a lot of political hay protecting the community from naked swimming.  It wasn't urban legend; just a normal part of life in a different and much more self-confident time.: -

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