Wednesday, May 31, 2017

QUOTES 5/31/2017

“We camp naked no matter where we are.  Currently, we are in our motorhome . . .  I've done a full survey of the area around us, looked at our motorhome from all angles and can say with certainty that we are safe to be naked in our coach with the blinds and curtains open ... strategically. . . We can't be naked outside but with the windows, blinds and curtains open ... it's almost like being naked outside and at a textile campground, no less.  We prefer camping at clubs or resorts only because we can pull in, set up and stay and be naked from the time we check in to the time we get home and NEVER have to wear a thing, inside or outside!  We make due and continue living as we prefer wherever we go!” – D,

“Naked Labor II: Living naked picture” (Video) -

“And a nude namaste to you today!  Naked yoga and clothes free meditation are good for you!” – Diana Sun,

“I had a mother once express disappointment with me because she said she was teaching her daughters to be modest and I was undermining her.  Modest is defined as observing the proprieties of dress and behavior, but also as placing a moderate estimate on one’s abilities or worth, being neither bold nor self-assertive, tending toward diffidence, and being limited in size, amount, or scope.  So let me understand.  You want to teach your daughter to place a moderate estimate on her ability and worth, to be diffident, neither bold nor self-assertive, and limited in scope?  And you’re upset with me for undermining you?” -

“. . . we have so much internet pornography, so much sexualized imagery of the human body in advertisements, in movies, in music videos, in the media – that’s all that people come to learn about the human body … they think that nudity can only possibly be a sexual thing.” - Glen Donnelly,

“Nudism is for all, not just adults or the elderly, as there are common misconceptions that nudism is for adults only or that it’s composed mainly of elderly people.  We just need to find ways to attract more young people like me into nudism.  We also should attract more families.  Eventually we’ll have nudism normalized.” –

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