Wednesday, January 11, 2017

QUOTES 1/11/2017

“We've gone from strangers who barely know each other to friends who know each other barely. . . On a golden Sunday afternoon . . . we sit and share roasted corn and belly laughs.  A bartender, a trainer, a teacher, a college kid and a couple hack writers.  Thrown together by the nudity gods, we are six kindred spirits.” – Eddie Matz,

“The bliss of laying out in the sun in golden silence!  The only sounds I hear are birdsong and the occasional cat meow.  The sun is almost directly above us and its glorious glow warms our nakedness like no other.  My eyes just lightly closed allows weird, but wonderful, kaleidoscopic colors to dance in my view.  Reaching for my shades I prop myself up and glance around me, just in the near distance I see cherry trees bowing and slightly swaying, then laid before us . . . a smooth carpet of lush green grass.  No sign of others making noisy conversation, no children playing loudly or energetically.  To my right my lovely wife Rosemarie and to my left our niece Lisa, both almost asleep as tiny beads of perspiration trickles over their recumbent posture.  In my thoughts briefly are the thousands . . . of people that have today flocked to a nearby seaside resort. . . Ridiculous hordes of overdressed, overweight and sweaty people crowd the sands too amidst the noise and bustle of frantic families of shrill offspring.  Our reclusive location of silence and wonderful nakedness is all I need.  Apart from the therapeutic values of sun and open fresh air, I feel the sense of freedom and linking with nature even more acutely in this location.” – Patrick Thompson,

“Everything She Says Means Everything 2” (Spencer Tunick RNC Video Shoot) -

“Today’s aesthetic is not really an aesthetic at all, but it is a product of the privatization of beauty.  Any company who makes a ‘beautifying’ product will try to sell it as something we cannot live without (makeup, fashion, plastic surgery).  Thus they perpetuate the images of beauty they know are not attainable so we may hopefully be tricked into believing they are by using their products.” - A. Tarasenko,

“I have raised my son to be comfortable in whatever ‘we’ are comfortable in.  I showered with him when he was young. . . it’s just fun time usually as if we were in a public hot tub.  We laugh, splash and chat.  I also am nude at home with him around. . . Really we are no different if clothed.” – Jimalee,

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