Tuesday, January 24, 2017

QUOTES 1/24/2017

“Whether wild donkeys or owls or deer or coyotes or quail or lizards or snakes or insects, I've loved observing animals and nature while freehiking.  It's part of what makes freehiking so very enjoyable.” – Ken Freehiker

“Gardening is one of the most popular outdoor hobbies worldwide.  Doing it in the nude adds a pleasure almost indescribable.  When you are in the garden with a gentle breeze and the kiss of the sun on your skin a connection with nature is inevitable.” - Katie Rain

“I had seen on a map where a small river rumored to have lots of rainbow trout went down in a very deep, wooded canyon about 30 miles east of us.  One weekend we . . . Drove out to where . . . we would find an old road down into the canyon. . . When we could drive no further, we strapped on all our stuff - clothed mind you - and followed the ‘road’ down toward the river bottom as it became less and less of a path, with more and more brush, uglier thorns with every step . . . we finally popped out at the base of the canyon.  This was an almost inaccessible area; no chance of anyone being around at all.  Almost instinctively, in our hot, sweaty, scratched-up, worn-out condition we spontaneously stripped off our clothes and jumped in the river.  Wow, what a feeling!  We took our fishing rods and hiked our way naked probably one mile down river and then back up.  We drank beer and talked until the million stars were visible overhead; slept well, got up and hiked out the next morning.  Caught a few fish, saw no other people, had a grand time.  I was hooked (little fishing humor) on being naked outdoors.” - Daveco

“I offered to do an errand for a friend the other day since I have the 4wd and the road that needed to be traveled on was still snow covered.  I was wearing my usual, boots, wool sox and Carheart coveralls. . . I had to pass the area where I took my New Year’s Day hike a few years ago and to my surprise someone had cleared the parking spaces.  So since I was naked under my coveralls I stripped them off in the truck and headed into the pines.  The sun was so warm on the skin now I know why our ancestors worshiped it as a god.  There was just enough wind to blow some snow around and tingle the skin slightly.  It was only a short fifteen to twenty-minute trek but it made all the difference in my demeanor.” – NudeWalker

"I worked from home today.  Did my work on the patio under the gazebo, nude the whole time.  I'm probably clothed at home less than an hour a week and that includes waiting for my Sweetheart to get ready.  I don't get dressed until she says ‘let's go.’  I know I still have 10 minutes! . . . About the only time I'm clothed at home is when I'm about to walk out the door to go someplace!  My Sweetheart and I love being clothes free.  We purchased a double chaise lounge for the patio and a gazebo to shield from the neighbors second story windows.  We can pull the lounge partially out from the gazebo in the mornings to get some sun without exposing ourselves to the neighbors.  (I don't really care but trying not to offend anyone and be a good neighbor).  Enjoying coffee and talking to each other like this in the mornings is about the best way to start a day I can think of.  I generally take the trash out, do light yard work and clean up after the dog in the nude.  Don't know if I've been spotted but haven't had any complaints either.” – Greg

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