Friday, January 20, 2017

QUOTES 1/20/2017

“Naturism is an attitude.  You don’t have to spend every hour you can do naked.  Being a naturist is about how you think and feel about being naked. . . [That’s] what separates a naturist from a simple naked person.” - Wolf,

“I will bare my dimpled ass to prove that the body is just flesh, bone, fat.  I will show you my body so that you might see a body that looks like yours.  I'm here, naked, for the fat girls who think they are ‘too fat,’ the thin girls who think they are ‘too fat,’ the guys who think they need a six-pack, and the teenagers who loathe their thighs.  I'm here for myself, too; loving this body is a journey, not a destination.” – Joni Edelman,

“We have a rather private home site.  Around the pool enclosure when it was first built, the area was full of weeds and invasive plants.  I spent several hours over several days digging up the weeds and laying down weed barrier so mulch could be put in place.  Wearing only shoes, socks, and gloves (and bug spray), it was a great way to accomplish this tiring task.  Such yard work wearing clothes is somewhat silly since the clothes get sweaty and dirty.  Much easier just to wash the body rather than the body AND the clothes.  Looking forward for things to warm up here in the mid-west so that I can do this again, since this is a task that comes up every spring and summer.” – Ooigor,

“Being comfortable naked is all about achieving a mental belief that nudity is your ‘default’ state of being. . . after bathing or taking a shower, we are clean and refreshed, and it feels good.  After eating a little bit, we have been fed and the hunger pangs fade away temporarily, and it feels good.  After getting a haircut or styling, our hair feels lighter, cleaner and looks better, which feels good!  Brushing our teeth usually feels good afterwards, that is a simple thing and really it can be so simple that many people never bother to give it a second thought. . . believing comfort is possible is where a person needs to be mentally in order to be comfortable naked in front of anyone, whether that person is a spouse, lover, family member, friend or even a relative stranger in an art class.  If you can allow yourself TO believe and have confidence IN that belief, then the actual confidence will work its way to the surface of your life, gradually.” - centauri4-naturism,

“Holy nakedness = Freedom to Be the Real You.” – Phill Shope,

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